635020A Compendium of Irish Biography — Barber, MaryAlfred Webb

Barber, Mary, one of Dean Swift's female coterie, was born in Dublin about 1712. She married a woollen-draper, and appears to have been an estimable character. She published a small volume of poems under the patronage of the Dean and Lord Orrery. Mrs. Barber died in 1757. There are numerous references to her in Swift's Life. When she went to London to have her poems published, an anonymous letter to Queen Caroline in her favour drew or led Swift into a serious scrape, as it was generally imputed to him. It is probable that it was really indited by Mrs. Barber herself, if not by some friend. The Dean eventually forgave the annoyance, and on more than one occasion presented her with the copyright of some of his short pieces. [1] [2]

  1. Biographical Dictionary: Rev. Hugh J. Rose. 12 vols. London, 1850.
  2. Swift, Jonathan, Works, with Notes, and Life: Sir Walter Scott. 19 vols. Edinburgh, 1824.