A Compendium of Irish Biography/Barnewall, John, Lord Trimleston

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635025A Compendium of Irish Biography — Barnewall, John, Lord TrimlestonAlfred Webb

Barnewall, John, Lord Trimleston. His ancestors came over originally with Henry II. and received large grants of land in the County of Cork. On the first favourable opportunity the old proprietors, the O'Sullivans, rose and murdered the whole family save one young man, who was absent studying law in England. He ultimately returned and settled at Drimnagh, near Dublin. The subject of our sketch rose to high office in Ireland under Henry VIII. and received grants of land near Dunleer. In 1536, with Lord-Treasurer Brabazon, he made an incursion into Offaly, and drove back the O'Conor, who was then ravaging the Anglo-Irish settlements. The next year, commissioned by the Privy Council, he treated successfully with the O'Neill. He died 25th July, 1538. He was four times married. [1]

  1. Lodge's Peerage of Ireland, Revised and Enlarged by Mervyn Archdall. 7 vols. Dublin, 1789.