A Compendium of Irish Biography/Cairbre Lifeachair

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1484681A Compendium of Irish Biography — Cairbre LifeachairAlfred Webb

Cairbre Lifeachair, King of Ireland, 254 to 281. He fell at the famous battle of Gabhra (Gowra), fought in contiguity to the Hill of Skreen, near Tara. This engagement, which took place, according to Keating, in 281, was fought between Cairbre at the head of one tribe of the old Fenian warriors, and Mogh Corb, King of Munster, and Oscar, grandson of Finn MacCumhaill, at the head of another. The rival military tribes were almost exterminated in the battle. Oscar fell in single combat with Cairbre; but Cairbre, returning from the combat, was met by his own relative Simeon, who fell upon him, severely with Oscar, and despatched him at a single blow. The combat is referred to by Ferguson in his beautiful lay "Aideen's Grave." [1]

  1. Ireland, History of, from the earliest period to the English Invasion: Rev. Geoffrey Keating: Translated from the Irish, and Noted by John O'Mahony. New York, 1857.