A Compendium of Irish Biography/Callan, Nicholas

1484707A Compendium of Irish Biography — Callan, NicholasAlfred Webb

Callan, Nicholas, D.D., Professor of Natural Philosophy in Maynooth College, was born at Dromiskin, in the County of Louth, in 1799. He entered college in 1817, and remained there till his death, a period of forty-seven years. Much of his leisure was devoted to the translation into English of works of piety, particularly those of St. Liguori, Remarkable for his unassuming manners, he endeared himself to all, especially to the students of the college, who entertained towards him the most affectionate reverence. He died at Maynooth in 1864, aged about 65. [1]

  1. Christian Brothers' Handbook of Biography. Dublin. (Pamphlet.) See also No. 42.