A Compendium of Irish Biography/Campion, Maria, (Mrs. Pope)

4216141A Compendium of Irish Biography — Campion, Maria, (Mrs. Pope)Alfred Webb

Campion, Maria, (Mrs. Pope) an actress, was born in Waterford in 1777. She early evinced a partiality for the stage, and made her first appearance in Dublin, as "Monimia," in The Orphan, 17th February 1790, when it is related that she swooned both in the green-room and on the stage. She first appeared in London, in the same character, at Covent-Garden Theatre, on 13th October 1797, and shortly afterwards (24th January 1798) married Alexander Pope, the distinguished actor. She is stated to have been the authoress of two novels. Charles Mathews, who saw her perform in Dublin, where she was for some time the heroine of the stage, wrote: "There are few such actresses to be met with. She possesses a very beautiful face, extremely elegant figure, and delightful voice, added to every advantage of nature in mental qualifications, and every accomplishment of education." She died of apoplexy, in London, 18th July 1803, aged 26, and was buried in Westminster Abbey. [1] [2] [3](1798)

  1. Actors, Representative: W. Clark Russell. London, 1875.
  2. Gentleman's Magazine. London, 1731–1868
  3. Walker's Hibernian Magazine. Dublin, 1771–1811. Walker, Joseph C., see Nos. 20, 108.