A Compendium of Irish Biography/Vereker, Charles, Viscount Gort

615115A Compendium of Irish Biography — Vereker, Charles, Viscount GortAlfred Webb

Vereker, Charles, Viscount Gort, was born in Ireland in 1768. He served a short time in the navy, and was afterwards appointed lieutenant-colonel of the Limerick militia. In 1790 he entered Parliament as a member for Limerick. During the Insurrection of 1798 he distinguished himself in several encounters with the insurgents; and upon the news of General Humbert's landing at Killala, he was ordered to join the army of Lord Cornwallis and General Lake. With a small force he encountered the French at Collooney on 5th September, effectually checked their advance, and contributed largely to their defeat at Ballinamuck, where he was wounded. The thanks of Parliament were voted to him, and by royal proclamation he was permitted to adopt "Collooney" as the motto of his family. He was amongst the most active opponents of the Union—"his name was found in every division and his voice in every debate;" and in answer to Lord Castlereagh's overtures he declared: "I have defended my country with my blood, and there is nothing in the gift of the Crown that would tempt me to betray her by my vote." After the Union he represented Limerick until 1817, when by the death of his uncle he became Viscount Gort. He was a firm adherent of the Conservative party. He died, greatly beloved, 11th November 1842, aged 74. [1] [2](19)

  1. Burke, Sir Bernard: Peerage and Baronetage.
  2. Dublin University Magazine. Dublin, 1833–'77.