A Compendium of Irish Biography/Wylie, Samuel Brown

619196A Compendium of Irish Biography — Wylie, Samuel BrownAlfred Webb

Wylie, Samuel Brown, D.D., an oriental and classical scholar, was born near Ballymena, 21st May 1773. He was educated at Glasgow, and removed to Philadelphia in 1797, where he became Professor of Theology in the Reformed Presbyterian Church, a position he held for more than forty years. He was Professor of Ancient Languages in the University of Philadelphia from 1838 to 1845. Besides some works of a theological character, he wrote a Greek Grammar (1838) and a Life of Rev. Alexander McLeod. He was for fifty-one years pastor of the First Reformed Church, Philadelphia, where he died, 14th October 1852, aged 79. [1]

  1. Biographical Dictionary—American Biography: Francis S. Drake. Boston, 1876.