A Complete Course in Dressmaking/Lesson 1/Proper thread and needles


It is important that you use the right thread and the right needle for the material; that is, if you want your machine to run easily and to have really good work. The needle must suit the thread, too. Here are tables for reference:

Material Size of Needle Sewing Cotton
Sewing Silk
Mull, chiffon, etc. Very fine needle
No. 9
100 to 150 cotton
 00 or 000 sewing silk
Voile, very fine linen or silk goods Medium fine needle
No. 11
80 to 100 cotton
 0 sewing silk
Shirtings, fine ginghams, and medium weight silks Medium machine needle
No. 14
60 to 80 cotton
A or B sewing silk
Coarse gingham, light weight woolen goods or heavy silks Medium coarse machine needle
No. 16
40 to 60 cotton
C sewing silk
Denim or coatings Coarse machine needle
No. 18
30 to 40 cotton
D sewing silk
Heavy woolen tickings, khaki cloth Very coarse machine needle
No. 19
24 to 30 cotton
E sewing silk
60 to 80 linen thread

Material Size of Needle Sewing Cotton
Sewing Silk
Mull, chiffon, etc. No. 10 to No. 12 100 to 150 cotton
 00 or 000 sewing silk
Voile, very fine linen or silk No. 9 80 to 100 cotton
 0 sewing silk
Shirtings, fine ginghams, and medium weight silks No. 7 or No. 8 60 to 90 cotton
A or B sewing silk
Coarse gingham, light weight woolens or heavy silks No. 6 40 to 60 cotton
C sewing silk
Denim or coatings No. 4 or No. 5 24 to 40 cotton
D sewing silk
Heavy woolens, tickings or khaki cloth No. 1 to No. 3 8 to 24 cotton
E sewing silk
60 to 80 linen thread