A Critical Exposition of the Popular 'Jihád'/Appendix A/11

[Sidenote: All verses of the Koran containing the word Jihád and its derivation quoted and explained.]

11. I herein place in juxtaposition the several English translations of the word "Jihád," together with its etymological derivation and several grammatical forms, to show, in the first place, that Mr. George Sale and the Rev. J.M. Rodwell and other European authors generally give the literal, original, and classical meaning; and in the second place, to show how they differ in giving various meanings, literal and technical, in some passages to the same word in the same verses.

It will be observed from a perusal of the statement, that the Rev. Mr. Rodwell, M.A., is more correct than the earliest English translator of the Koran, Mr. George Sale, and the latest, Mr. W.H. Palmer. The latter is the most unsatisfactory of all in this respect, as everywhere, except in six places—XXIX, 7; V, 39, 59; IV, 97; and IX, 74, 89—he translates Jihád as meaning fighting—a circumstance which not unnaturally leads to the supposition that he had paid but slight heed to the context.

  |Serial No.
  |    | No. of the Chapter and the Verse of the Koran.
  |    |     | Original Words.                ----------------------------
  |    |     |    | George Sale's Translation.            }   ENGLISH
  |    |     |    |    | Rev. Rodwell's Translation.      }
  |    |     |    |    |    | Henry Palmer's Translation. } TRANSLATIONS.
  | 1  |
  |    | XXXI. 14
  |    |     | "Jáhadáka"
  |    |     |    | "Strive"
  |    |     |    |    | "Endeavour to prevail"
  |    |     |    |    |    | "Strive."
  | 2  |
  |    | XXV. 54
  |    |     | "Jáhid," "Jihádan."
  |    |     |    | "Oppose them herewith with strong opposition."
  |    |     |    |    | "By means of the Koran strive against them with
  |    |     |    |    | a mighty strife."
  |    |     |    |    |    | "Fight strenuously; strenuous fight."
  | 3  |
  |    | XXII. 77
  |    |     | "Jáhidoo"
  |    |     |    | "Fight in the defence of God's religion."
  |    |     |    |    | "Do valiantly"
  |    |     |    |    |    | "Fight strenuously."
  | 4  |
  |    | XVI. 111
  |    |     | "Jáhadoo"
  |    |     |    | "Have since sought "in the'' defence of the true religion."
  |    |     |    |    | "Fought"
  |    |     |    |    |    | "Fought strenuously."
  | 5  |
  |    | XXIX. 5
  |    |     | "Jáhada"
  |    |     |    | "Striveth"
  |    |     |    |    | "Maketh efforts"
  |    |     |    |    |    | "Fight strenuously; fight strenuously."
  | 6  |
  |    | XXIX. 7
  |    |     | "Jáhadáka"
  |    |     |    | "Endeavour"
  |    |     |    |    | "Strive"
  |    |     |    |    |    | "Strive."
  |Serial No.
  |    | No. of the Chapter and the Verse of the Koran.
  |    |     | Original Words.                ----------------------------
  |    |     |    | George Sale's Translation.            }   ENGLISH
  |    |     |    |    | Rev. Rodwell's Translation.      }
  |    |     |    |    |    | Henry Palmer's Translation. } TRANSLATIONS.
  | 7  |
  |    | XXIX. 69
  |    |     | "Jáhadoo"
  |    |     |    | "Utmost endeavour"
  |    |     |    |    | "Made efforts"
  |    |     |    |    |    | "Fight strenuously."
  | 8  |
  |    | XVI. 40
  |    |     | "Jahd"
  |    |     |    | "Most solemnly"
  |    |     |    |    | "Most sacred"
  |    |     |    |    |    | "Most strenuous."
  | 9  |
  |    | XXXV. 40
  |    |     | "Jahd"
  |    |     |    | "Most solemn"
  |    |     |    |    | "Mightiest"
  |    |     |    |    |    | "Most strenuous."
  | 10 |
  |    | II. 215
  |    |     | "Jáhadoo"
  |    |     |    | "Fight in God's cause"
  |    |     |    |    | "Fight"
  |    |     |    |    |    | "Wage war."
  | 11 |
  |    | III. 136
  |    |     | "Jáhadoo"
  |    |     |    | "Those who fought strenuously."
  |    |     |    |    | "Did valiantly"
  |    |     |    |    |    | "Fought well."
  | 12 |
  |    | VIII. 73
  |    |     | "Jáhadoo be-am-walhim-w-anfosa-him."
  |    |     |    | "Employed their substance and their persons in fight for
  |    |     |    | the religion of God."
  |    |     |    |    | "Spent their substance and themselves for the cause
  |    |     |    |    | of God."
  |    |     |    |    |    | "Fought strenuously with their wealth and
  |    |     |    |    |    | person."
  |Serial No.
  |    | No. of the Chapter and the Verse of the Koran.
  |    |     | Original Words.                ----------------------------
  |    |     |    | George Sale's Translation.            }   ENGLISH
  |    |     |    |    | Rev. Rodwell's Translation.      }
  |    |     |    |    |    | Henry Palmer's Translation. } TRANSLATIONS.
  | 13 |
  |    | VIII. 75
  |    |     | "Jáhadoo"
  |    |     |    | "Have fought for God's true religion."
  |    |     |    |    | "Fought"
  |    |     |    |    |    | "Fought strenuously."
  | 14 |
  |    | VIII. 76
  |    |     | "Jáhadoo"
  |    |     |    | "Have fought with you."
  |    |     |    |    | "Fought"
  |    |     |    |    |    | "Fought strenuously."
  | 15 |
  |    | VI. 109
  |    |     | "Jahd"
  |    |     |    | "Most solemn"
  |    |     |    |    | "Most binding"
  |    |     |    |    |    | "Most strenuous"
  | 16 |
  |    | XLVII. 33
  |    |     | "Mojáhidína"
  |    |     |    | "Who fight valiantly"
  |    |     |    |    | "Valiant"
  |    |     |    |    |    | "Fought strenuously."
  | 17 |
  |    | LXI. 11
  |    |     | "Jáhidoo"
  |    |     |    | "Defend God's true religion with your substance and in
  |    |     |    | your person."
  |    |     |    |    | "Do valiantly"
  |    |     |    |    |    |  "To fight strenuously."
  | 18 |
  |    | IV. 97
  |    |     | 1st. "Mojáhidína"
  |    |     |    | 1st. "Those who employ their fortune and their persons
  |    |     |    | for the religion of God."
  |    |     |    |    | 1. "Defend God's true religion valiantly."
  |    |     |    |    |    | 1. "Strenuous."
  |    |     | 2nd. "Mojáhidina."
  |    |     |    | 2nd. "Those who employ their fortune and persons."
  |    |     |    |    | 2. "Contend earnestly."
  |    |     |    |    |    | 2. "Strenuous."
  |    |     | 3rd. "Mojáhidina."
  |    |     |    | 3rd. "Those who fight"
  |    |     |    |    | 3. "Strenuous"
  |    |     |    |    |    | 3. "Strenuous."
  |Serial No.
  |    | No. of the Chapter and the Verse of the Koran.
  |    |     | Original Words.                ----------------------------
  |    |     |    | George Sale's Translation.            }   ENGLISH
  |    |     |    |    | Rev. Rodwell's Translation.      }
  |    |     |    |    |    | Henry Palmer's Translation. } TRANSLATIONS.
  | 19 |
  |    | XXIV. 52
  |    |     | "Jahd"
  |    |     |    | "Most solemn"
  |    |     |    |    | "Most solemn"
  |    |     |    |    |    | "Most strenuous."
  | 20 |
  |    | LXVI. 9
  |    |     | "Jáhid"
  |    |     |    | "Attack the hypocrites with arguments."
  |    |     |    |    | "Make war"
  |    |     |    |    |    | "Fight strenuously."
  | 21 |
  |    | IX. 74
  |    |     | "Jáhid"
  |    |     |    | "Wage war"
  |    |     |    |    | "Contend"
  |    |     |    |    |    | "Strive strenuously."
  | 22 |
  |    | LXI. 1
  |    |     | "Jihadan"
  |    |     |    | "To fight in the defence of my religion."
  |    |     |    |    | "To fight"
  |    |     |    |    |    | "Fighting strenuously."
  | 23 |
  |    | XLIX. 5
  |    |     | "Jáhadoo"
  |    |     |    | "Who employ their substance and their person in the
  |    |     |    | defence of God's true religion."
  |    |     |    |    | "Contend with their substance and their person."
  |    |     |    |    |    | "Fight strenuously with their wealth and their
  |    |     |    |    |    | persons."
  | 24 |
  |    | IX. 16
  |    |     | "Jáhadoo"
  |    |     |    | "Those among you who sought for his religion."
  |    |     |    |    | "Valiantly"
  |    |     |    |    |    | "Fought strenuously."
  |Serial No.
  |    | No. of the Chapter and the Verse of the Koran.
  |    |     | Original Words.                ----------------------------
  |    |     |    | George Sale's Translation.            }   ENGLISH
  |    |     |    |    | Rev. Rodwell's Translation.      }
  |    |     |    |    |    | Henry Palmer's Translation. } TRANSLATIONS.
  | 25 |
  |    | IX. 19
  |    |     | "Jáhada"
  |    |     |    | "Fighteth"
  |    |     |    |    | "Fighteth"
  |    |     |    |    |    | "Strenuous."
  | 26 |
  |    | IX. 20
  |    |     | "Jáhadoo"
  |    |     |    | "Fought for his religion."
  |    |     |    |    | "Do valiantly"
  |    |     |    |    |    | "Fought strenuously."
  | 27 |
  |    | IX. 24
  |    |     | "Jihádan"
  |    |     |    | "Advancement"
  |    |     |    |    | "Efforts"
  |    |     |    |    |    | "Fighting strenuously."
  | 28 |
  |    | IX. 41
  |    |     | "Jáhidoo"
  |    |     |    | "Employ your substance and your person for the advancement
  |    |     |    | of God's religion."
  |    |     |    |    | "Contend with your substance and with your person."
  |    |     |    |    |    | "Fight strenuously with your wealth and your
  |    |     |    |    |    | persons."
  | 29 |
  |    | IX. 44
  |    |     | "Yojáhidoo"
  |    |     |    | "Employing their substance and their persons for the
  |    |     |    | advancement of God's true religion."
  |    |     |    |    | "Contending with your substance and your person."
  |    |     |    |    |    | "Fighting strenuously."
  | 30 |
  |    | IX. 82
  |    |     | "Yojáhidoo"
  |    |     |    | "Employ their substance and their persons for the
  |    |     |    | advancement of God's true religion."
  |    |     |    |    | "Contending with their riches and their persons."
  |    |     |    |    |    | "Fighting strenuously with their wealth and
  |    |     |    |    |    | their persons."
  |Serial No.
  |    | No. of the Chapter and the Verse of the Koran.
  |    |     | Original Words.                ----------------------------
  |    |     |    | George Sale's Translation.            }   ENGLISH
  |    |     |    |    | Rev. Rodwell's Translation.      }
  |    |     |    |    |    | Henry Palmer's Translation. } TRANSLATIONS.
  | 31 |
  |    | IX. 87
  |    |     | "Jáhidoo"
  |    |     |    | "Go forth to war"
  |    |     |    |    | "Contend"
  |    |     |    |    |    | "Fight strenuously."
  | 32 |
  |    | IX. 89
  |    |     | "Jáhidoo"
  |    |     |    | "Expose their fortunes and their lives."
  |    |     |    |    | "Contend with purse and persons."
  |    |     |    |    |    | "Strenuous with their wealth and with their
  |    |     |    |    |    | person."
  | 33 |
  |    | V. 39
  |    |     | "Jáhidoo"
  |    |     |    | "Fight for his religion."
  |    |     |    |    | "Contend earnestly"
  |    |     |    |    |    | "Be strenuous."
  | 34 |
  |    | V. 58
  |    |     | "Jáhd"
  |    |     |    | "Most firm"
  |    |     |    |    | "Most solemn"
  |    |     |    |    |    | "Most strenuous."
  | 35 |
  |    | V. 59
  |    |     | "Yojahidoona"
  |    |     |    | "They shall fight for the religion of God."
  |    |     |    |    | "Will they contend"
  |    |     |    |    |    | "Strenuous."
  |Serial No.
  |    | No. of the Chapter and the Verse of the Koran.
  |    |     | Original Words.                ----------------------------
  |    |     |    | George Sale's Translation.            }   ENGLISH
  |    |     |    |    | Rev. Rodwell's Translation.      }
  |    |     |    |    |    | Henry Palmer's Translation. } TRANSLATIONS.