A Critical Exposition of the Popular 'Jihád'/Appendix A/14

[Sidenote: (2) Furkan, XXV, 53, 54.]

14. "Moreover had We pleasured We had certainly raised up a warner in every city."
"Do not then obey the unbelievers, but by means of this (Jáhid) exert with them with a (Jihadan kabirá) strenuous exertion (or labour with great labour)."

This evidently relates to the Koran, or the warning mentioned in the preceding verse, and it is wrong to translate "Jihád" as meaning to fight strenuously with them, or as inciting to strenuous fighting as translated by Henry Palmer (Vol. II, p. 88). Mr. Sale and the Rev. Mr. Rodwell do not translate it fighting, and so Mohammadan commentators. Fakhr-ud-din Razi (died 606 A.H.), the Imam, in his great commentary says:

"Some say Jáhid hoom bihí Jihádán Kabirá means to make efforts in preaching, but some say it meant fighting, and others say it meant both; but the former is nearer the truth, as the chapter was revealed at Mecca, and the command for fighting was issued after the Flight, some time afterwards" (Vol. VI, p. 490).