A Critical Exposition of the Popular 'Jihád'/Appendix A/30

[Sidenote: (18) Women, IV, 97.]

30. "Those believers who sit at home free from trouble and those who (1, Mojáhidoona) toil in the way of God with their substance and their persons shall not be treated alike. God has assigned to those who (2, Majáhadoona) strive with their persons and with their substance a rank above those who sit at home. Goodly promises hath He made to all; but God hath assigned to those (3, Mojáhadína) who make efforts a rich recompense above those who sit at home."
Sale: 1st ... "Those who employ their fortune and their substance for the religion of God."
2nd ... "Those who employ their fortune and their substance."
3rd ... "Those who fight."
Rodwell: 1st ... "Those who fight valiantly."
2nd ... "Contend earnestly."
3rd ... "Strenuous."
Palmer: 1st ... "Strenuous."
2nd ... "Strenuous."
3rd ... "Strenuous."

I have already explained the two sorts of worship or service of God—bodily and mental. The same applies here too.