A Critical Exposition of the Popular 'Jihád'/Chapter 10/63

4.—Moavia Ibn Mughira.

[Sidenote: The execution of Moavia Ibn Mughira.]

Moavia Ibn Mughira, also a prisoner of war, was granted three days' truce, on the condition that if he were found in Medina after the appointed time, he was to be executed. The period had passed, and he was still lurking at Medina. At length he was found out and killed by Zeid and Ammar on their return from Hamra-al-Assad, after five or six days. It is apparent that Moavia violated his truce, and his lurking in Medina might be either as a spy[1] or scout secretly seeking information.


  1. Ibn Hisham, p. 591; Wackidi, pp. 324 and 325.