A Cyclopaedia of Female Biography/Fielding, Sarah

4120410A Cyclopaedia of Female Biography — Fielding, Sarah


The third sister of Henry Fielding, the novelist, and herself a writer of some celebrity, was born in 1714, lived unmarried, and died in 1768. She shewed a lively and penetrating genius in many of her productions, especially in the novel entitled "David Simple," and in the Letters afterwards published between the principal characters in that work. She also translated "Xenophon's Memorabilia." The following eulogy on this lady, was composed by Dr. John Hoadley, who erected a monument to her memory:—

"Her unaffected manners, candid mind,
Her heart benevolent, and soul resigned.
Were more her praise, than all she knew or thought,
Though Athens' wisdom to her sex she taught."