A Cyclopaedia of Female Biography/Hohenhauser, Philippine Amalie Elise von

4120584A Cyclopaedia of Female Biography — Hohenhauser, Philippine Amalie Elise von


Born 1790, daughter of the Westphalian General von Ochs, was married, in 1810, to Leopold, Baron von Hohenhauser. In 1816, she wrote her first work, "Spring Flowers;" in 1819, she published "Minden and its Vicinity;" in 1820, "Nature, Art, and Life," and "Recollections of Travels;" and afterwards several other novels and tales, and a translation of Byron's "Corsair." In 1833, she lost a promising son, who was then a student at the university of Bonn. A peculiar monomania induced him to commit suicide. This unhappy event induced his parents to write a work entitled "Charles von H——," in which much wise counsel is given to parents, guardians, and instructors.