A Cyclopaedia of Female Biography/Sawyer, Caroline M.

4121089A Cyclopaedia of Female Biography — Sawyer, Caroline M.


Was born in 1812, in Newton, Massachusetts. Her maiden name was Fisher. In 1832, she was married to the Rev. Dr. Sawyer, a pastor over one of the Universalist churches in New York, where they resided until 1847, when they removed to Clinton in the same state, where Dr. Sawyer was chosen President of the Universalist Seminary. Although Mrs. Sawyer did not publish till after her marriage, she began to write both tales and poems at a very early age; by her writings we can readily perceive that her education has been thorough and extensive, and that the author possesses a mind of much power. Her translations from the German are made with faithfulness and spirit, and her original poems especially are marked by deep thought and command of language.