A Cyclopaedia of Female Biography/Theis de Constance, Marie, Princess of Salm Dyck

A Cyclopaedia of Female Biography
Theis de Constance, Marie, Princess of Salm Dyck
4121194A Cyclopaedia of Female Biography — Theis de Constance, Marie, Princess of Salm Dyck


Was born at Nantes, 7th. of November, 1767. After having received a very brilliant education, she, in 1789, married M. Pipelet, a physician of considerable celebrity, and established herself in Paris, where she indulged her taste for literature in a congenial atmosphere. One of her first works was the poetical drama of "Sappho," an opera in four acts, which was adapted to music by Martini, and went through a hundred representations at the Theatre Louvois. Poetical Epistles, Dramas, and various other productions in verse, read by Madame Pipelet at the Athenaeum at Paris, and afterwards published, obtained for her an honourable reputation in the literary world. She has also published several ballads, of which she composed the melodies and the piano accompaniments. In 1803, she became the wife of the Count de Salm Dyck, who took the title of prince in 1816. Since that time the Princess de Salm has lived alternately on the estates of her husband, in Germany, and at Paris, where, by wit, her conversational powers, and her amiable manners, she has always rallied round her the élite of artists, and men of letters.