A Description of New England/To his worthy Captaine, the Author

To his worthy Captaine,
the Author.

OFt thou hast led, when I brought vp the Rere
In bloodie wars, where thousands haue bin slaine.
Then giue mee leaue, in this some part to beare;
And as thy seruant, heere to read my name.
Tis true, long time thou hast my Captaine beene
In the fierce wars of Transiluania:
Long ere that thou America hadst seene,
Or led wast captiued in Virginia;
Thou that to passe the worlds foure parts dost deeme
No more, then t’were to goe to bed, or drinke,
And all thou yet hast done, thou dost esteeme
As nothing. This doth cause mee thinke
That thou I’aue seene so oft approu’d in dangers
(And thrice captiu’d, thy valor still hath freed)
Art yet preserued, to conuert those strangers:
By God thy guide, I trust it is decreed.
For mee: I not commend, but much admire
Thy England yet vnknowne to passers by-her.
For it will praise it selfe in spight of me;
Thou it, it thou, to all posteritie.

Your true friend,
and souldier,
Ed. Robinson.