A Description of New England/To the High Hopeful Charles, Prince of Great Britaine

4067962A Description of New England — To the High Hopeful Charles, Prince of Great BritaineJohn Smith (1580-1631)


HOPEFVL Charles,

Prince of Great Britaine.


SO fauourable was your most renowned and memorable Brother, Prince Henry, to all generous designes: that in my discouery of Virginia, I presumed to call two namelesse Headlands after my Soueraignes heires, Cape Henry, and Cape Charles. Since then, it beeing my chance to range some other parts of America, whereof I heere present your Highness the description in a Map, my humble sute is, you would please to change their Barbarous names, for such English, as Posterity may say, Prince Charles was their Godfather. What here in this relation I promise my Countrey, let mee liue or die the Slaue of scorne & infamy, if (hauing meanes) I make it not apparent; please God to blesse me but from such accidents as are beyond my power and reason to preuent. For my labours, I desire but such conditions as were promised me
out of the gaines, and that your Highnesse
would daigne to grace this Work, by
your Princely and fauourable
respect vnto it, and
know mee
to be.

Your Highnesse true

and faithfull servant,

Iohn Smith.