A Description of New England/To the right Worshipfull Aduenturers for the Countrey of New England

4067966A Description of New England — To the right Worshipfull Aduenturers for the Countrey of New EnglandJohn Smith (1580-1631)

To the right Worshipfull Aduenturers
for the Countrey of New England,
in the Cities of London, Bristow, Exceter,
Plimouth, Dartmouth, Bastable, Totneys,
&c. and in all other Cities and
Ports, in the Kingdome
of England.

IF the little Ant, & the sillie Bee seek by their diligence the good of their Commonwealth; much more ought Man. If they punish the drones and sting them steales their labour; then blame not Man. Little hony hath that hiue, where there are more Drones then Bees: and miserable is that Land, where more are idle then well imployed. If the indeauours of those vermin be acceptable, I hope mine may be excuseable; Though I confesse it were more proper for mee, To be doing what I say, then writing what I knowe. Had I returned rich, I could not haue erred: Now hauing onely such fish as came to my net, I must be taxed. But, I would my taxers were as ready to aduenture their purses, as I, purse, life, and all I haue: or as diligent to furnish the charge, as I know they are vigilant to crop the fruits of my labours. Then would I not doubt (did God please I might safely arriue in New England, and safely returne) but to performe somewhat more then I haue promised, & approue my words by deeds, according to proportion.

I am not the first hath beene betrayed by Pirats: And foure men of warre, prouided as they were, had beene sufficient to haue taken Sampson, Hercules, and Alexander the great, no other way furnisht then I was. I knowe not what assurance any haue do passe the Seas, Not to bee subiect to casualty as well as my selfe: but least this disaster may hinder my proceedings, or ill will (by rumour) the behoofefull worke I pretend; I haue writ this little: which I did thinke to haue concealed from any publike vse, till I had made my returnes speake as much, as my pen now doth.

But because I speake so much of fishing, if any take mee for such a deuote fisher, as I dreame of nought else, they mistake mee. I know a ring of golde from a graine of barley, aswell as a goldesmith: and nothing is there to bee had which fishing doth hinder, but furder vs to obtaine. Now for that I haue made knowne vnto you a fit place for plantation, limited within the bounds of your Patent and Commission; hauing also receiued meanes, power, and authority by your directions, to plant there a Colony, and make further search, and discouery in those parts there yet vnknowne: Considering, withall, first those of his Maiesties Councell, then those Cities aboue named, and diuerse others that haue beene moued to lend their assistance to so great a worke, doe expect (especially the aduenturers) the true relation or euent of my proceedings which I heare are so abused; I am inforced for all these respects, rather to expose my imbecillitie to contempt, by the testimonie of these rude lines, then all should condemne me for so bad a Factor, as could neither giue reason nor account of my actions and designes.

Yours to command,

Iohn Smith.