A Dictionary of Hymnology/Χορός Ἰσραήλ

4509150A Dictionary of Hymnology — Χορός Ἰσραήλ1908
Χορός Ἰσραήλ. St. Cosmas. [Transfiguration.] This Canon of the Ascension is found in the Greek Service Book Office for that Festival, Aug. 6, and in Anth. Graeca, p. 176. It dates from the early part of the 8th cent., and in common with all festival Canons it consists of 8 odes, the 2nd ode being omitted (see Greek Hymnody, § xvi. 10). The only tr. into English is a cento principally from the first four odes, beginning as above and rendered "The choirs of ransomed Israel" by Dr. Neale in his Hys. of the Eastern Church, 1862, p. 84. It is thus derived: st. i. from ode i.; st ii., iii. from ode iii.; st. iv. from ode iv.; st. v. from ode v. St vi. is Dr. Neale's own, is a reference to the heavenly glory, and quite in the modern manner. It is introduced as a climax, but is not in the original, as that does not feel this need. From this tr. the following centos have been taken: People's H., st. i., ii., vi.; S. P. C. K. Ps. & Hys., st. i., iv.–vi.; Palmer's Supp. Hymnal, 1866, st. i., iii., iv., vi., and "In days of old on Sinai," being st. iv.–vi in H. A. & M., 1868 and 1875. [J. J.]