St. Alda (1), Nov. 18. 8th century. Sister of St. Tudgui, confessor at St. Pol de Léon, in Brittany. The village of "Ste. Aude, in Seine-et-Marne," Alda Sancta, or Adellæ Villa, is called after her. Her relics are in a silver shrine at the altar of St. Clotilda, in the church of SS. Peter and Paul, built by Clovis and Clotilda, in Paris, and afterwards called the church of Ste. Geneviève. St. Alda has been called a companion of St. Geneviève, from their relics being together; but it is more probable that Alda lived in the 8th century. Chastelain, Vocab. Hag. Migne, Dict. des Legended du Moyen Age. Molanus has St. Tudgui, Nov. 18. Butler, Life of St. Geneviève.