GADIANTON. A Nephite apostate; the founder and first leader of the robber bands that bore his name. He is first mentioned in connection with the attempt by Kishkumen to kill Helaman, the Chief Judge, (B. C. 50). At that time, Gadianton had organized his band, and bound its members together by the most horrible and blasphemous oaths and covenants, to stand by and protect each other in all their treasons, villainies, and crimes. These oaths and secret compacts had not been searched out of the old records by Gadianton, but that same being who had revealed them to Cain, the first murderer, had whispered them to him. Gadianton was a crafty, capable man, full of strategy and cunning; a flatterer, and expert in the use of many words; and at this time he desired to be elected chief judge of the Nephite commonwealth. To this ambition his followers gave full consent, as he promised them that, when elected, they should fill the offices of honor and profit at his disposal. It was decided in their secret meetings that Helaman should be slain to make way for Gadianton, and Kishkumen, one of his lieutenants, was chosen to do the murderous work. He made the attempt, but failed; Kishkumen himself being slain. Finding their envoy did not return, and learning that the officers of the law were searching for them, the band, under Gadianton's direction, fled into the hills and the wilderness, which became their places of retreat ever afterwards when they were threatened by the more righteous part of the community — Nephite or Lamanite. (See Gadianton Robbers.) Of Gadianton's personal life we have no further record.