A Dictionary of the Book of Mormon/Nephihah, City of

NEPHIHAH. CITY OF. We fancy there were two cities of this name; one situated on the southern frontier, some distance east of Manti and the Sidon (Alma, 56:25); the other on the Atlantic seaboard, north of Moroni (Alma, 50: 14). Of this latter city it is written that in the year B. C. 72 the Nephites began a foundation for a city between the city of Moroni and the city of Aaron, joining the city of Aaron and Moroni; and they called the name of the city or land, Nephihah. This is the region again referred to in chapters 51, 59 and 62 of the Book of Alma. It was captured by the Lamanites B. C. 67 and retained by them until B. C. 61, when Moroni retook it by a night surprise. Elder Orson Pratt, in a footnote to chapter 56, draws attention to the fact that the Nephihah there mentioned is not the one spoken of in the other chapters.