A Dictionary of the Booksellers and Printers who Were at Work in England, Scotland and Ireland from 1641 to 1667/Downes (Thomas)

DOWNES (THOMAS) bookseller in London; Irish Warehouse Stationers Hall, 1609-58. Brother of Bartholomew Downes, bookbinder, who died in December, 1636. Appears to have had a share in the Irish Stock of the Company of Stationers. No books are found entered to him in the Registers after 1631, but in the University Library, Cambridge, there is a book dated 1635 bearing his address. He was Master of the Stationers' Company in 1642 and again in 1648. He died on February 19th, 1657/8, without issue [Smyth's Obituary, p. 46], and his will was proved on March 9th. Bartholomew Downes also had a son Thomas, probably the Thomas Downes who took up his freedom December 5th, 1636. [Arber, iii. 688.] Another Downes, a printer, is mentioned in the Domestic State Papers, Charles II, vol. 67 (161) about the year 1664.