A Dictionary of the Booksellers and Printers who Were at Work in England, Scotland and Ireland from 1641 to 1667/Eversden (George)

EVERSDEN (GEORGE), bookseller in London, (1) Over against the little North gate of S. Paul's Church, 1650; (2) Golden Ball, Aldersgate Street, 1652; (3) At the Mayden-head in St. Paul's Church Yard, 1656-65; (4) Adam & Eve, St. John's Lane, 1666-73. A list of 15 books published by him is given on the last leaf of J. Smith's Mysterie of Rhetorique Unveil'd, 1665. [B.M. 11805. b. 24.] With the exception of a medical work by Culpeper, and the Life of Sir Thos. More, these are all theological. This same list was reprinted without addition or alteration in the edition of the same work printed in 1673. The following are the references to his addresses in the order given: (1) Hoddesdon (J.), Sion and Parnassus or Epigrams, 1650; (2) T. More, Vita & Exitus, 1652; (3) Smith (J.), Mysterie of Rhetorique unveil'd, 1665; (4) Arber's Term Catalogues, vol. 1, p. 157.