A Dictionary of the Booksellers and Printers who Were at Work in England, Scotland and Ireland from 1641 to 1667/Leyborne, or Leybourn (William)

LEYBORNE, or LEYBOURN (WILLIAM), bookseller, printer, and mathematician in London; Monkswell Street Cripplegate, 1645-65. Possibly a brother of Robert Leyborne, with whom he was in partnership as a printer from about 1651, and carried on the business until the year 1665. Together they printed books on mathematics, and it is as a mathematician that William Leyborne is best remembered. He was the author of several works on the subject, notably one entitled Panarithmologia, being a Mirror Breviate Treasure Mate for merchants … a work that was long popular and better known as the Ready Reckoner or Trader's sure Guide. The year of William Leyborne's death is uncertain, but it is believed to have occurred about 1700.