A Dictionary of the Booksellers and Printers who Were at Work in England, Scotland and Ireland from 1641 to 1667/Raban (Edward)

RABAN (EDWARD), printer at Edinburgh, St. Andrews, and Aberdeen, 1620-58; Edinburgh, at the Cowgate, at the signe of A.B.C., 1620; St. Andrews, (1) At the signe of the A.B.C., 1620-22; (2) In the South street of the Citie, 1620; (3) Dwellinge in the Kirke Wynde, 1622; Aberdeen, dwelling upon the Market-place, at the townes Armes, 1622-49. Had also a shop at the end of the Broadgate from 1643. An Englishman. Printer to St. Andrew's University. The first printer in Aberdeen. Succeeded by James Brown in 1650. Died November-December, 1658. Device, Aberdeen City Arms. [H. G. Aldis, List of Books, p. 119.]