A Dictionary of the Booksellers and Printers who Were at Work in England, Scotland and Ireland from 1641 to 1667/Rookes, or Rooks (Thomas)

ROOKES, or ROOKS (THOMAS), bookseller in London, (1) Lamb, at the East End of St. Paul's Church, 1658-66; (2) Lamb and Ink Bottle, at the entrance into Gresham College, next Bishopsgate Street; (3) In Gresham College, next the stairs entering upon the Exchange near Bishopsgate-Street, 1667; (4) Gresham College, next the stair or warehouse in Moor Fields, against the Cardinal's Cap, 1668. [1658-68?] Issued a catalogue of books that escaped the fire of London. A copy of this is preserved in the Bodleian. Bibliographica, vol. iii, pp. 183-4.] Amongst other books which he published may be noticed Simon Latham's Faulconry, 1658. He made a speciality of writing inks, and hence the addition of the ink bottle to his sign. The last three imprints given above probably all refer to the same place.