A Dictionary of the Booksellers and Printers who Were at Work in England, Scotland and Ireland from 1641 to 1667/Stationers, Company of

STATIONERS, COMPANY OF, Edinburgh, 1650. Mr. H. G. Aldis, in his List of Books printed in Scotland before 1700, gives one, A golden chaine of Time, No. 1415, with the imprint, "Printed at Edinburgh by the Heires of George Anderson, for the Company of Stationers," which he thinks was distinct from the Society of Stationers. [H. G. Aldis, List of Books, p. 120.] Amongst the State Papers, Domestic, for 1651, vol. 15 (18), is an undated and unsigned paper headed The true ground and reason why the Company of Stationers bought their printing house in Scotland. In this it is stated that four years before (? 1647) upon an overture from the King's Printer there to sell the Company his patent and printing house, the Company made an agreement with him, which cost them a large sum of money, and that owing to the troubles in both kingdoms they had lost heavily over the transaction. The Company further state that they are "now" [i.e., 1651] withdrawing their stock and materials, in regard that by the late Act full provision is made against importation from that kingdom.