Aaron ben Elijah, xli, 362-387; relation to Maimonides, 363 f.; to the Mu'tazila, 364; reason and faith, 364 f.; physics, 366 ff.; defends atomic theory, 367 f.; creation, ibid.; existence of God, 368 f.; unity, ibid.; incorporeality, ibid.; attributes, 369 f.; will of God, 372; problem of evil, 373 f., 376 f.; Providence, 375 f.; reward and punishment, 379, 383; purpose of the world and of man, 379 f.; prophecy, 380 f.; immutability of the Law, 382; reason of the commandments, ibid.; immortality, 384; resurrection, 385 f.

Aaron ben Joseph, 363

Abarbanel, Don Isaac, 304, 312, 328, 430

Abarbanel, Judah Leo, 431

Abd Al Rahman III, 59

Abélard, 305

Abraham bar Hiyya, xlvi, 114-124; standpoint, 115; physics, 116 f.; matter, ibid.; form, 117 ff.; intellect, soul and nature, 119; ethics, 119, 122 f.; reward and punishment, 119, 122 ff.; immortality, 120 f.; problem of evil, 123 f.; 128, 139, 175, 309, 435

Æsculapius, 155

Afer, Constantinus, 1

Aher, 197

Akiba, Rabbi, xxvi

Al-Ashari, xxiii

Albalag, Isaac, 328, 429, 430, 447, note 403a

Albalia, Barun, 151

Al Basir, Joseph, xxv, xlvii, 48-55; priority of reason, 48; atomic theory, 49; existence of God, 49 f.; creation, ibid.; attributes, 50; divine will, ibid.; eternity, 51; incorporeality, unity, simplicity, ibid, f.; God's word, 52; ethics, ibid, f.; problem of evil, 54; freedom, 54 f.; and foreknowledge, ibid.; reward and punishment, 55; 56, 57, 81, 126, 127, 128, 141, 146, 200, 246, 363, 434

Albertus Magnus, 1, 200, 306, 312, 313, 323

Albo, Joseph, l, 406-427; standpoint, 406 ff.; purpose of his work, 408; principles of religion, ibid.; criticism of Maimonides's 13 articles, 409 ff.; Albo's own view, 410 f.; divine law distinguished from natural and conventional, 408 ff.; freedom, a principle, 412 ; creation, 413, 415; existence of God, 419 f.; attributes, 420; angels, ibid.; revelation, 420 f.; prophecy, 421; immutability of the Law, 423; God's knowledge, 424; and human freedom, ibid.; Providence, 425; reward and punishment, 425 f.; 428, 430, 436, 447, note 403a

Alexander of Aphrodisias, xviii, 7, 60, 290, 313, 321, 332, 334, 335, 336

Alexander the Great, xvii

Alexander of Hales, 306

Alfadhil, 239

Alfarabi, xx, xxi, xxxix, xlvi, 2, 26, 60, 177, 178, 198, 199, 218, 223, 252, 253, 276, 281, 302, 312, 313, 362, 391, 392

Alfasi, 151

Algazali, xxxix, 80, 152, 153, 389, 392, 420, 443, note 230

Ali, 86

Al-Kirkisani, Joseph Ha-Maor, 363

Almohades, 238

Alphonso VI, 151

Al-Mansur, 1

Almoravid, 151

Anatoli, Jacob, 302, 309

Angels, xlvi; in Abraham ibn Ezra, 190 f.; in Ibn Daud, 221 f.; in Maimonides, 266 f.; in Albo, 420

Anthropomorphism, xxii, xxvi, xlv, 35, 95, 186, 260 f.

Appel, 448, note 442

Aquinas, Thomas, 1, 61,63, 200, 207, 306, 307, 312, 313, 323, 331, 332, 406

Arama, Isaac, 430

Archimedes, xviii

Aristotelians, xl, 150, 165, 246, 364, 365, 366, 368, 428

Aristotle, xvi, xviii, xix, xx, xxi, xxix ff., xxxvii, xxxix, xl, xli, xlii, xlv, xlvi, 7, 8, 9, 13, 20, 26, 60, 62, 64, 72, 89, 92, 107, 111, 126, 132, 138, 139, 155, 157, 173, 175, 177, 178, 179, 181, 182, 184, 185, 199, 200, 206, 207, 210, 213, 216, 217, 218, 236, 240, 247, 252, 253, 254, 256, 258, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 273, 274, 275, 276, 290, 291, 299, 300, 303, 305, 306, 307, 309, 312, 313, 315, 316, 321, 329, 331, 332, 333, 334, 338, 346, 347, 350, 352, 353, 354, 366, 367, 375, 378, 388, 389, 390, 395, 402, 408, 412, 425, 429, 430, 431

"Arugat Habosem," 184

Ashariya, xxiii, xxvii, xlvii, 23, 246, 251, 291, 362, 365, 372, 378, 379

Atomic theory, in the Kalam, xxii, 249 f.; in Saadia, 25; in Al Basir, 49; in Jeshua ben Judah, 56; in Aaron ben Elijah, 367 f.

Attributes, doctrine of, in the Kalam, xxiii, xxvii, xl, xliv; in Saadia, xliv, 33 f.; in Mukammas, 18 ff.; in Al Basir, 50; in Bahya, 93 f.; in Ibn Zaddik, 145 f.; in Judah Halevi, 161 ff.; in Ibn Daud, 220 f.; in Maimonides, xlv, 262 ff.; in Levi ben Gerson, xlv, 344 f., 351 f.; in Aaron ben Elijah, 369 f.; in Crescas, 391 f.; in Albo, 420

Auerbach, Heimann, 445, note 331a

Augustine, xli, 51, 305, 445, note 307

Averroes (Ibn Roshd), xx, xxi, xxxix, xli, xlvi, xlvii, 7, 60, 62, 125, 177, 199, 306, 309, 310, 312, 313, 318, 321, 322, 323, 329, 332, 334, 335, 336, 362, 392, 431

Avicebron, see Gabirol, Solomon Ibn

Avicenna (Ibn Sina), xx, xxi, xxxix, xlvi, 2, 26, 60, 62, 107, 108, 175, 177, 178, 179, 198, 199, 207, 210, 211, 213, 218, 223, 224, 253, 276, 281, 302, 312, 313, 362, 391, 392, 420

Bacher, W., 437, 443, notes 212 and 214; 445, note 312a

Back, Samuel, 436

Baeumker, Clemens, 440, note 84; 441, notes 86 and 89

Bahya, Ibn Pakuda, xix, xxviii, xxxix, xlii, l, 80-105; duties of the limbs and duties of the heart, 82 f.; sources of knowledge, 83; creation, 86 ff.; unity, 89 f.; attributes, 93 f.; study of nature, 96 f.; gratitude to God, 97 f.; submission to God, 98; freedom, ibid.; the laws, 98 f.; trust in God, 99 f.; "unity of conduct," 101 f.; humility, ibid.; repentance, 102; self-examination, 103; temperance, 104; asceticism, ibid.; love of God, 105; 106, 126, 128, 146, 147, 162, 167, 168, 195, 200, 201, 217, 241, 246, 252, 309, 362, 428, 434

Baradæus, Jacob, 34

Bardenhewer, 439, note 7

Bardesanes, 375

Becker, C. H., xxvi, xxvii

Beer, 433

Bernfeld, Simon, viii, 433

Bisliches, M. L., 445, notes 312 and 315

Bloch, Philipp, 436

Brahmins, 380

Brethren of Purity, xxxix, 60, 107, 125, 126, 128, 139, 187, 199

Broydé, Isaac, 106, 441, note 131

Cicero, 431

Clement VI, Pope, 329

Clement of Alexandria, 302

Chazars, 153

Crawford, J. P. W., 436

Creation, in Kalam, xxii, xlii, 24, 247, 252; in Saadia, xlii, 24; in Israeli, 5 ff.; in Al Basir, 49 f.; in Jeshua ben Judah, 56; in Gabirol, 68; in Bahya, xlii, 86 ff.; in Pseudo Bahya, 110; in Abraham bar Hiyya, 116 ff.; in Ibn Zaddik, xlii, 143; in Judah Halevi, 157; in Abraham ibn Ezra, 190; in Maimonides, 269 ff.; in Levi ben Gerson, 352 f.; in Aaron ben Elijah, 367 f.; in Albo, 413, 415

Creed, articles of, l; in Maimonides, 409 f.; in Crescas, 392 ff.; in Albo, 410 f.

Creizenach, M., 443, note 214

Crescas, Hasdai, xv, xix, xxvii, xxxix, xl, xlii, xlix, l, 173, 200, 312, 388-405; standpoint, 389; existence of God, 389 f.; unity, 391 f.; attributes, ibid.; fundamental dogmas of Judaism, 392 ff.; God's knowledge, 392 f.; Providence, 393 f.; problem of evil, 394; prophecy, 395; freedom, 396 f.; influence on Spinoza, 398 f.; purpose of the Law, 399 f . ; immortality, 400; creation, 402; criticism of Maimonides's 13 articles of the creed, 402, 404; reward and punishment, 403 f.; resurrection, 404 f.; 406, 407, 408, 409, 414, 416, 419, 420, 421, 424, 426, 428, 430, 436, 447, notes 403a and 409

'Cusari," see "Kusari"

Daud, Abraham Ibn, xix, xx, xxvii, xxxix, xlii, xliii, xlv, xlvi, xlvii, xlviii, xlix, 61, 62, 63, 71, 79, 125, 166, 197-235; standpoint, 197 f.; Ibn Daud neglected, 201 ; purpose of his book, 201 f.; duty to study philosophy, 202; relative value of the sciences, 203 f.; categories, 205; physics, 205 ff.; matter and form, ibid.; motion, 207; infinity, 208; psychology, 209 ff.; rational soul, 212 ff.; the three kinds of intellect, 214; immortality, 215; metempsychosis, 215 f.; the heavenly spheres, 216; existence of God, 217 ff.; incorporeality, 217; unity, 219 f.; attributes, 220 f.; angels, 221 f.; active intellect, 222; emanation of Intelligences, 223; tradition, 223 f.; prophecy, 224 f.; abrogation of the Law, 226 f.; freedom, 201 f., 229 ff.; problem of evil, 228 f.; and foreknowledge, 229 f.; ethics, 231 ff.; virtues, 232; reason of commandments, 233 f.; 237, 240, 241, 246, 248, 253, 254, 257, 266, 267, 276, 281, 302, 307, 309, 317, 332, 350, 362, 366, 388, 428, 435

De Boer, 439, note 5

"Definitions, Book of," 2, 4, 60

Deinard, E., 447, note 404

Delitzsch, 446, note 360

Delmedigo, Elijah, 431

Delmedigo, Joseph Solomon, 431

Democritus, xxii, 3

Dieterici, 439, note 6

Doctor, Max, 435, 442, note 162

Dominicus Gundissalinus, 61, 63

Dukes, 443, note 213

Dunash ben Labrat, 59

Duns Scotus, 61, 63, 200, 307

Duran, Simon, 406, 447, note 403a

"Duties of the Hearts," 80, 81

Duval, 439, note 5

"Eight Chapters," 239

Eisler, Moritz, 433

"Elements, Book of," 2, 3, 4, 10, 60

Elias of Nisibis, 34

Elisha ben Abuya, 197

Empedocles, 60, 61, 64, 126, 127, 145, 179, 184

"Emunah Ramah," 198

"Emunot ve-Deot," 24

Engelkemper, D. J., 434

Entelechy, xxxv, 209

Ephodi, 328

Epicurus, 290, 367

Eriugena, 200

Ethics, in Jewish Philosophy, xlvii, f.; in Saadia, 46 f.; in Al Basir, 52 f.; in Jeshua ben Judah, 57; in Gabirol, 71 ff.; in Abraham bar Hiyya, 119 ff.; in Ibn Zaddik, 148; in Judah Halevi, 168; in Abraham ibn Ezra, 195; in Ibn Daud, 228 ff., 231 ff.; in Maimonides, 281 ff.; in Hillel ben Samuel, 325. See also "Virtue."

Euclid, xviii, 90

Evil, Problem of, in Al Basir, 54; in Abraham bar Hiyya, 123 f.; in Ibn Zaddik, 148; in Abraham ibn Ezra, 195; in Ibn Daud, 228 f.; in Maimonides, 288 f.; in Aaron ben Elijah, 373 f.; in Crescas, 394

Exegesis, Biblical, xvi, xxxvii; in Saadia, 35; in Gabirol, 78 f.; in Abraham ibn Ezra, 187 f.; in Maimonides, 302 ff.; in Levi ben Gerson, 357f.; 437

"Ez Hayim," 363

Ezekiel, Vision of divine chariot, xvii, 303

Falaquera, Shem Tob, 61, 63, 64, 309, 328, 441, note 86

"Fons Vitæ," 60, 61, 72, 80, etc.

"Fountain of Life," see "Fons Vitæ"

Frankl, P. F., 434, 440, note 80 Frankl-Grün, Ad., 435

Freedom of the Will, xiv, xlvii; in Saadia, 41 f.; in Al Basir, 54 f.; in Bahya, 98; in Judah Halevi, xlviii, 171 ff.; in Abraham ibn Ezra, 193; in Ibn Daud, xlviii, 229 f.; in Maimonides, xlviii, 285 ff.; in Crescas, xlviii, 396 ff.; in Albo, 412, 424

Freimann, 442, note 148

Fried, S., 439, note 30; 440, note 34

Friedländer, M., 444, note 250

Gabirol, Solomon Ibn, xix, xxxix, xlvi, 59-79; fate of G. in Jewish Literature, 60 f.; tendency of his work, 63 f.; G. a Neo-Platonist, 64; his doctrine, 64 ff.; emanation, 65; matter in spiritual substances, 65, 67; man typical of the universe, 65; Intelligence, Soul, Nature, 66; matter, 66 f.; creation, 68; will, 68 f., 70; mystic knowledge, 69 f.; ethics, 71 ff.; the virtues, 72 f.; the "Royal Crown" (Keter Malkut), 75 f.; Bibhcal exegesis, 78 f.; influence on Jewish Philosophy, 79; on Kabbala, ibid.; 80, 81, 89, 91, 107, 126, 127, 131, 151, 184, 185, 187, 188, 198, 200, 206, 237, 246, 307, 309, 328, 428, 434

Galen, xviii, 2, 3, 72, 209, 252

Genesis, creation story, xvii, xxix, 303

Gersonides, see Levi ben Gerson

Ginzberg, L., 439, note 13

God, in Aristotle, xxxiii; existence of G. in Kalam, xlii, 24, 247; in Saadia, xlii, 28 ff.; in Al Basir, 49 f.; in Jeshua ben Judah, 57; in Bahya, xlii, 86 ff.; in Ibn Zaddik, xlii, 143; in Ibn Daud, xlii f., 217 ff.; in Maimonides, xliii, 248, 257 ff.; in Levi ben Gerson, 350 f.; in Aaron ben Elijah, 368 f.; in Crescas, 389 ff.; in Albo, 419 f.

Goldenthal, 445, note 318

Goldziher, Ignaz, 106, 433, 439, notes 10 and 23; 442, note 132

Gorfinkle, Joseph I., 444, note 251

Graetz, H., 445, note 311

Graf, 440, note 64

Gugenheimer, 435

"Guide of the Perplexed," 239

Guttmann, Jacob, 434, 435, 436, 439, note 27; 440, notes 33, 41 and 83; 442, note 133; 443, notes 230 and 245; 445, notes 310 and 331a; 447, notes 403a, 436 and 437

Guttmann, Julius, 435

Halevi, Judah, xix, xxxix, xl, xlv, xlvi, xlviii, xlix, 125, 150-183; his standpoint, 150, 152, 157 f.; his life, 151 f.; philosophy and religion, 152; influence of Algazali, 152 f.; the "Kusari," 153 ff.; the "philosopher's" creed, 154 f.; the Christian's, 155 f.; the Mohammedan's, 156; the Jew's, 156 ff.; creation, 157; existence of God, 158; will, 159; motives of philosopher and believer, 159 f.; meaning of the name of "Jhvh," 159 f., 165; of "Elohim," 160, 165; mysticism in H., 160; attributes, 161 ff.; incorporeality, 162; superiority of Israel, 162 f.; need of revelation, 163; superiority of Palestine, 164; Israel the heart among the nations, 164; superiority of the Hebrew language, 164 f.; prophecy, 165 f.; the active Intellect, 165 f.; the ceremonial law, 167 f.; ethics, 168 f.; immortality, 169 f., 181 f.; future world and reward and punishment, 170; freedom, 171 ff.; and foreknowledge, 172 f.; interpretation of "Sefer Yezirah," 173 f.; the Rabbis knew the sciences, 174; exposition of the current philosophy, 174 ff.; H. understands Aristotle's definition of the soul, 175; physics, 175 ff.; matter, 175; criticism, 176 f.; emanation of Intelligences, 178; criticism, 178 f.; psychology, 179 f.; criticism, 181 f.; 197, 198, 200, 201, 210, 211, 216, 223, 224, 226, 230, 231, 246, 248, 281, 309, 332, 362, 389, 392, 396, 414, 420, 421, 426, 429, 435

Harizi, Judah, 125, 184

Harkavy, Abraham, 17, 433

Hasdai Ibn Shaprut, 59, 153, 308

Hayyuj, 187, 309

Hefez ben Yazliah, 84

"Hegyon ha-Nefesh," 114

Hermes, 60, 155, 184

Hertz, J. H., 434

Hillel ben Samuel, xlvi, 312-327; standpoint, 314; the soul, 314 ff.; definition of soul, 317; active intellect, 317 ff.; reward and punishment, 323 ff.; prophecy, 325; ethics, ibid.; resurrection, 326; interpretation of Rabbinic writings, 326 f., 332

Hippocrates, xviii, 2, 3, 72, 209

Hirschfeld, 440, note 31; 442, note 178

"Hobot ha-Lebabot," see "Duties of the Hearts"

Homonym, 240, 351, 371

Horovitz, S., 433, 442, notes 162, 163 and 165; 443, note 226

Husik, Isaac, 436, 439, note 9; 445, note 308; 446, note 334; 448, note 443

Hypostasis, xxxviii, 6, 91, 115

Ibn Aknin, Joseph, 302

Ibn Badja, 60

Ibn Caspi, Joseph, 302, 310, 329

Ibn Daud (Aven Death), 61

Idn Daud, Abraham, see Daud, Abraham Ibn

Ibn Ezra, Abraham, xxxix, 79, 80, 81, 114, 184, 187-196; Biblical exegesis, 187 f.; unity of God, 189; incorporeality, ibid.; creation, 190; matter, ibid.; the universe, 190 f.; Intelligences, ibid.; angels, ibid.; soul, 191 f.; reward and punishment, 192; transmigration, 192; freedom, 193; and foreknowledge, ibid.; knowledge of God, 193 f.; prophecy, 194; classification of the laws, 194; problem of evil, 195; ethics, ibid.; 200, 246, 309, 310, 429, 435

Ibn Ezra, Moses, xxxix, xlvi, 79, 125, 184-187; man a microcosm, 185; definition of philosophy, 185; unity of God, ibid.; active intellect, 186; 200, 246

Ibn Migash, Joseph, 151

Ibn Janah, 84, 309

Ibn Roshd, see Averroes

Ibn Sina, see Avicenna

Ibn Zaddik, Joseph, xix, xxxix, xlii, xlv, xlvi, xlix, 60, 79, 125-149; standpoint, 125 f.; division of his book, 128; purpose, 129; definition of philosophy, 129; process and sources of knowledge, 129 f.; physics, 130 ff.; matter and form, ibid. ; substance, 131; the sphere, 131 f.; the four elements, 132 f.; the human body, 133 f.; the soul, 134 f.; the three souls, ibid.; the emotions, ibid.; life, 136; death, ibid.; sleep and waking, ibid.; the rational soul, 137; definition of soul, 138; intellect, 139; world soul, 140; duty to use the reason, ibid.; criticism of the Kalam, 141 f.; creation, 143; existence of God, ibid.; unity, ibid.; self-sufficiency, 144; will of God, ibid.; attributes, 145 f.; commandments, 147; rational and traditional, ibid. ; the virtues, 148; reward and punishment, 148; evil, 148 f.; Messiah, 149; 162, 175, 184, 200, 206, 209; 211, 237, 246, 309, 317, 362, 435

'Ikkarim," 406

Immortality, in Pseudo-Bahya, 112 f.; in Abraham bar Hiyya, 120 f.; in Judah Halevi, 169 f., 181 f.; in Ibn Daud, 215; in Levi ben Gerson, 339 ff.; in Aaron ben Elijah, 384; in Crescas, 400

Incorporeality, in Kalam, xliv, 253; in Saadia, 32; in Al Basir, 51; in Jeshua ben Judah, 57; in Judah Halevi, 162; in Abraham ibn Ezra, 189 f.; in Ibn Daud, 217; in Maimonides, xliv, 257 ff., 260 ff.; in Aaron ben Elijah, 368 f.

Infinity, in Kalam, 251 f.; in Saadia, 25, 30; in Bahya, 86, 87; in Ibn Daud, 208; in Maimonides, 251 f., 254, 256 f.; in Crescas, 390

Intellect, active, xli; in Jewish Philosophy, xlvi f.; acquired i., xlvii; active i. in prophecy, xlix, 109; in Ibn Zaddik, 139; in Judah Halevi, 155, 162, 165, 181; in Moses ibn Ezra, 186; in Ibn Daud, 222; in Maimonides, 268, 277; in Hillel ben Samuel, 317 ff.; in Levi ben Gerson, 337 ff. See also "Intelligence," "Soul"

Intelligence, xlvi; in Israeli, 6 f.; in Gabirol, 65, 66; in Pseudo-Bahya, 109; in Abraham bar Hiyya, 119; in Abraham ibn Ezra, 190 f.; in Maimonides, 266 f.

Israeli, Isaac, xix, xlvi, xlix, 1-16; Maimonides on I., 1 f.; his works, 2; his sources, ibid.; theory of the elements, 3, 12; definition of philosophy, 4; creation, 5 ff.; Intelligence, 6 f.; Soul, 8 ff.; three kinds of soul, 10 ff.; element and principle, 12 f.; prophecy, 15; 17, 24, 31, 60, 72, 91, 127, 175, 224, 434

Jabariya, xxi, xlvii

Jacob ben Machir, 309, 310

Jacobites, xviii, 34

Jaulus, 437

Jeshua ben Judah, xxv, xlvii, 55-58; priority of reason, 56; atomic theory, ibid.; creation, ibid.; existence of God, 57; incorporeality, ibid.; good and evil, ibid.; 200, 246, 363, 434

Jesus, xxvii, 86, 91

Job, xv, xxvi, 304, 346, 377 f.

Joel, M., 398, 435, 436, 445, note 310; 446, notes 335 and 398; 447, note 398 end

Johannes Hispanus, 61

Joseph ben Shemtob, 429, 430, 447, note 404

Joseph ibn Zaddik, see Ibn Zaddik, Joseph

Jourdain, A., 63, 441, note 85; 445, note 306

Judah ben Barzilai, 17

Judah Hadassi, 363

Judah Halevi, see Halevi, Judah

Judah Messer Leon, 431

Justinian, xvii

Kabbala, 79, 429, 430

Kadariya, xxi, xxii, xxiii, 23

Kalam, xxiv, xxvii, 16, 17, 48, 50, 52, 55, 86, 106, 125, 128, 141 f., 146, 154, 171, 183, 200, 245, 246 ff., 362, 366, 428, 433, 439, note 10

Kalisch, Isidor, 433

Karaites, xiii, xxiv, xxv, xli, xlvii, 23, 24, 48, 55, 59, 108, 125, 126, 146, 154, 174, 183, 200, 245, 246, 362, 363, 364, 365, 370, 373, 377, 378, 428

Kaufmann, David, 152, 153, 433, 434, 435, 436, 441, note 88; 442, note 181; 444, notes 250 and 305

Kellermann, Benzion, 436

"Keter Malkut," see "Royal Crown"

Kindi, Al, xxxix

Klein, Miksa, 434

Knowledge, sources of, xl; in Saadia, 27 f.; in Bahya, 83; in Ibn Zaddik, 129 f. Koran, xxi, xxii, xxiii, xxvi, xxvii, xxix, xliv, 34, 156

Krochmal, Nahman, 189, 435

"Kusari," 153

Lactantius, 431

Landauer, S., 175, 440, note 37

Laws, rational and traditional, l; in Saadia, 38 f.; in Ibn Zaddik, 147; in Abraham ibn Ezra, 194; in Ibn Daud, 233 f.; in Maimonides, 294 ff.; in Aaron ben Elijah, 382

Lebid ibn Al-A'sam, xxvi

Leibnitz, 307

Leverrier, 275

Levi ben Gerson, xix, xx, xxxix, xli, xliii, xlvii, xlix, 7, 16, 166, 217, 235, 302, 312, 313, 328-361; standpoint, 329 f.; reason and authority, 330 f.; his style and method, 331; the passive intellect, 332 ff.; active intellect, 337 ff.; problem of knowledge, 338; of definition, 339; immortality, 339 f.; prognostication and prophecy, 340 ff.; and the contingent, ibid.; God's knowledge, 342 ff.; attributes, 344 f., 351 f.; Providence, 346 ff.; existence of God, 350 f.; origin of the world, 352 f.; eternal matter, 355 f.; interpretation of creation story in Genesis, 357; miracles, 358 f.; 362, 363, 369, 384, 388, 392, 393, 394, 395, 396, 398, 399, 401, 402, 406, 419, 420, 421, 428, 429, 430, 436, 447, note 403a

Levy, Louis-Germain, 436

"Liber de Causis," xx, 2, 64, 317

Lippmann, 443, note 214

Logos, xxvii, xli, 52, 71, 91

"Ma'amar Yikkawu ha-Mayim," 309

"Maase Bereshit," xvi, 242, 303, 430

"Maase Merkaba," xvi, 242, 303, 430

Maimonides, Moses, xvi, xix, xx, xxiv, xxv, xxvii, xxxix, xli, xlii, xliii, xlv, xlvi, xlvii, xlix, l, 1, 2, 16, 25, 60, 62, 63, 79, 88, 95, 96, 114, 125, 126, 146, 153, 158, 166, 167, 198, 199, 200, 201, 207, 218, 221, 235, 236-311; his life, 238 f.; his chef d'œuvre, 239 f.; his method, 240; his standpoint, 240 ff.; importance of science, 243 f.; difficulty of metaphysics, 244 f.; sketch of Jewish Philosophy, 245 f.; exposition of the Kalam, 246 ff.; propositions of the "philosophers," 254 ff.; existence of God, 257 ff.; unity, ibid.; incorporeality, ibid., 260 flf.; attributes, 262 ff.; meaning of "Jhvh," 265; angels, 266 f.; origin of the world, 269 ff.; emanation of Intelligences, 272 f.; criticism of Aristotle, 271 ff.; psychology, 281 ff.; virtue, 282 ff.; freedom, 285 ff.; and foreknowledge, 287 f.; problem of evil, 288 ff.; God's knowledge, 289 ff.; reason of the commandments, 294 ff.; Bible exegesis, 302 ff.; influence of M., 305 ff.; on Scholasticism, 305-307; on Judaism, 307-311; 312, 313, 314, 317, 323, 325, 329, 332, 342, 343, 344, 345, 346, 350, 352, 353, 357, 358, 362, 363, 364, 365, 366, 368, 369, 370, 371, 372, 374, 375, 376, 377, 378, 379, 380, 382, 383, 384, 388, 389, 390, 391, 392, 393, 394, 395, 396, 398, 399, 400, 402, 403, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410, 412, 416, 417, 419, 420, 421, 423, 424, 425, 426, 428, 429, 430, 431, 435, 447, note 403a

"Malmad Hatalmidim," 309 Malter, H., vii, 445, note 316

Mandonnet, P., 445, note 308; 446, note 332

Manicheans, 375

Matter, rejected by Mutakallimun, xxii; doctrine of, in Aristotle, xxix ff.; in Plotinus, xxxviii; as source of evil, 38; in Gabirol, 66 f.; in Pseudo-Bahya, 109; in Abraham bar Hiyya, 117; in Ibn Zaddik, 130 ff.; in Judah Halevi, 175; in Abraham ibn Ezra, 190; in Ibn Daud, 205 f.; in Maimonides, 256, 270; in Levi ben Gerson, 355 f.

Maywald, 446, note 332

"Mekize Nirdamim," 445, notes 313 and 321

"Mekor Hayyim," see "Fons Vitae"

Menahem ben Saruk, 59

Messiah, in Saadia, 45; in Ibn Zaddik, 149; in Crescas, 402, 404; in Albo, 408

Metempsychosis, see Transmigration

"Microcosmus," 60, 125

"Milhamot Adonai," 329

Miracles, in Levi ben Gerson, 358 f.

Mohammed, xxv, 86

Monophysites, xviii, 34

"More Ha-moreh," 310

"More Nebiikim," 238

Morgenstern, Ernö, 434

Moses ben Enoch, 59

Moses ben Maimon, see Maimonides

Moses of Narbonne, 309, 310, 328, 430, 447, note 403a

Motion, in Aristotle, xxvi; in Ibn Daud, 207; in Maimonides, 254, 269

Mukammas, David Al, 2, 17-22; definition of science and philosophy, 17 f.; attributes, 18 ff.; unity, 18; reward and punishment, 21 f.; 34, 52, 81, 84, 95, 200, 246, 434

Munk, Solomon, 63, 304, 328, 433, 434, 440, note 83; 441, notes 86, 87 and 105; 444, notes 250, 280 and 302; 445, notes 314 and 316; 448, note 442

Münz, J., 436

Mutakallimun, xxi f., xl, xli, xlvii, 9, 11, 24, 25, 26, 48, 81, 88, 96, 106, 125, 126, 127, 128, 139, 142, 145, 149, 158, 182, 183, 199, 240, 246-253; 256, 275, 352, 353, 362, 366 f., 369, 372, 382, 406, 428

Mu'tazila, xxii ff., xxvii, xlvii, 3, 17, 21, 23, 24, 26, 48, 108, 171, 246, 251, 291, 292, 362, 365, 366, 375, 377

Nachmanides, 426, 429

Nature, in Plotinus, xxxviii; in Gabirol, 65, 66; in Pseudo-Bahya, 109; in Abraham bar Hiyya, 119

Neo-Platonic, xx, xxviii, xxxix, xlvi, 2, 6, 13, 24, 38, 64, 79, 81, 86, 89, 90, 92, 106, 107, 114, 115, 125, 126, 127, 129, 138, 139, 177, 178, 199, 200, 266, 305, 317, 319

Neo-Platonism, xxix, 17, 64, 70, 79, 91, 114, 150, 187, 200, 266, 288, 317, 428

Neo-Platonists, xl, 31, 64, 91, 106, 184, 199

Neo-Pythagoreans, 188

Nestorians, xvui, 34

Neumark, David, viii, 433, 435, 436, 441, note 107

"Nous," xxxviii, 7, 91

"Olam Katon," see "Microcosmus"

"Or Adonai," 389

Origen, 288, 302

Orschansky, G., 435

Perles, J., 445, note 309

Philo, xvi, xxvii, xxxviii, xli, 23, 91, 95, 188, 240, 266, 268, 288, 302

Philoponus, 247, 353

Philosophy, and religion, xiii; content of Jewish P., xl-l; defined by Israel, 4; by Ibn Zaddik, 129; by Moses Ibn Ezra, 185

Physics, in Kalam, xxii, xli; in Aristotle, xxx; in Israeli, 3, 5, 12; in Saadia, xli; in Ibn Zaddik, xlii, 130 ff.; in Judah Halevi, 175 ff.; in Ibn Daud, xlii, 205 ff.; in Maimonides, xlii, 254 ff., 269 ff.; in Levi ben Gerson, 352 f., 355 f.; in Aaron ben Elijah, xli, 366 ff.; in Crescas, xlii, 389

Plato, xxix, xli, xlv, 5, 7, 8, 37, 47, 90, 91, 122, 138, 155, 179, 181, 182, 184, 195, 231, 268, 269, 288, 304, 305, 353, 413, 431

Plato of Tivoli, 114

Plotinus, xx, xxxvii f., xxxix, 6, 64, 65, 91, 107, 115, 126, 139, 178, 431

Pollak, J., 433

Porphyry, 60

Proclus, xx, 3

Prophecy, xlvi, xlix f.; in Israeli, xlix, 15; in Saadia, 40; in Judah Halevi, xlix, 165; in Abraham ibn Ezra, 194; in Ibn Daud, xlix, 224 ff.; in Maimonides, xlix, 276 ff.; in Hillel ben Samuel, 325; in Levi ben Gerson, xlix, 340 ff.; in Aaron ben Elijah, 380 f.; in Crescas, 395; in Albo, 421

Providence, xl; in Maimonides, 290 ff.; in Levi ben Gerson, 346 ff.; in Aaron ben EUjah, 375 f.; in Crescas, 393 f.; in Albo, 425

Pseudo-Bahya, xlvi, xlix, 106-113; standpoint, 106 f.; the soul, 108 ff., 111 ff.; Intelligence, Soul, Nature, 108 f., 110; matter, 109; creation, 110; virtue, 112; immortality, 112 f.; reward and punishment, 113; 122, 126, 139, 148, 317, 434

Ptolemy, xviii, 273, 309

Pythagoras, 60, 179, 184, 185

Pythagoreans, 9

Rashi, 187

Raymond, Bishop of Toledo, 61

Reason, and authority, xiii; r. in Aristotle, xxxvi; active and passive, xxxvi f.; in Plotinus, xxxviii; r. as a source of knowledge, xl; r. and authority in Levi ben Gerson, 330 f. See also "Intellect," "Soul"

Resurrection, l; in Saadia, 44 f.; in Hillel ben Samuel, 326; in Aaron ben Elijah, 385 f.; in Crescas, 404

Reward and Punishment, xlvii, xlviii, l; in Mukammas, 21 f.; in Saadia, 42 f.; in Al Basir, 55; in Pseudo-Bahya, 113; in Abraham bar Hiyya, 119 ff.; in Ibn Zaddik, 148; in Judah Halevi, 170; in Abraham Ibn Ezra, 192; in Hillel ben Samuel, 323 ff.; in Aaron ben Elijah, 379, 383; in Crescas, 403 f.; in Albo, 425 f.

Roscellinus of Compiègne, 305

Rose, Valentinus, 439, note 8

Rosin, David, 189, 192, 435

"Royal Crown," the, 75 f.

Saadia, xix, xxv, xli, xlii, xlv, xlvi, xlix, 1, 17, 23-47; his "Emunot ve-Deot," 24 f.; modelled on the Kalam, ibid.; atomic theory, 25; reason for writing, 26 f.; sources of truth, 27 f.; speculation not forbidden, 28; necessity of revelation, ibid.; existence of God, 28 ff.; incorporeality, 32; unity, 32 f.; attributes, 33 f.; categories inapplicable to God, 35 f.; theophanies, 36; soul, 37 f.; laws and commandments, 38 f.; rational and traditional, ibid.; prophecy, 40; written and oral law, 40; abrogation of Law, 40 f.; freedom, 41 f.; and foreknowledge, ibid.; reward and punishment, 42 f., 46; future world, 43 f.; resurrection, 44 f.; ethics, 46 f.; 48, 50, 52, 59, 81, 82, 83, 84, 87, 88, 89, 92, 94, 95, 96, 126, 127, 128, 146, 147, 167, 175, 186, 195, 200, 237, 241, 246, 252, 253, 302, 309, 362, 363, 388, 428, 434

Sabeans, 296

Saladin, 239

Samuel, 197

Scaliger, 307

Scheyer, Simon B., 435

Schmiedl, A., 433

Schreiner, M., xxv, xxvii, 433, 434, 439, notes 12, 16, 18 and 20; 440, note 81

"Sefer Ha-Kabbala," 198

Seyerlen, 63, 434, 441, note 86

Shemtob ben Joseph, 430

Shemtob ben Joseph ibn Shemtob, 429

Socrates, xxix, 155, 184, 185

Solomon ben Adret, 430

Solomon ben Yeroham, 363

Sophists, xxix

Soul, in Aristotle, xxxv; world soul in Plotinus, xxxviii; s. in Jewish philosophy, xlv f.; world-soul in Jewish Neo-Platonists, xlvi; s. in Israeli, 5, 8 ff.; in Saadia, 37 f.; in Gabirol, 65, 66; in Pseudo-Bahya, 108 ff.; in Abraham bar Hiyya, 119; in Ibn Zaddik, 134 f., 137 f.; world-soul in Ibn Zaddik, 140; s. in Judah Halevi, 179 ff.; in Abraham Ibn Ezra, 191 f.; in Ibn Daud, 209 ff.; in Maimonides, 281 ff.; in Hillel ben Samuel, 314 ff.; in Crescas, 400. See also "Intellect," "Reason"

Spinoza, 398 f.

"Spirit and Soul, Book of," 5

Steinschneider, Moritz, 311, 439, note 26; 440, notes 31 and 33; 443, note 247; 446, note 360

St. Ephrem of Nisibis, xviii

Sufis, xxvii f.; 86, 153

Syrians, xvii ff., 199, 246

"Tagmule ha-Nefesh," 314

Tänzer, A., 437

Themistius, 7, 60, 313, 321, 332, 333, 334, 335

"Theology of Aristotle," xx, xxxix, 64, 266

Theophrastus, xviii

Tibbon, Judah Ibn, 71, 309, 310

Tibbon, Moses Ibn, 309, 440, note 37

Tibbon, Samuel Ibn, 2, 60, 125, 239, 302, 309

"Tikkun Midot ha-Nefesh," 71

"Torot ha-Nefesh," 106

Tradition, xiii, xli, 28, 223 f.

Transmigration, in Saadia, 44; in Abraham ibn Ezra, 192; in Ibn Daud, 215 f.

Trinity, xliv, 33, 34, 71, 91

Truth, twofold, 328

"Twenty Chapters," 17

Ueberweg-Baumgartner, 433

Unity of God, in Kalam, xxii, xliii f., 252; in Mukammas, 18; in Saadia, 32 f.; in Al Basir, 51; in Bahya, 89 f.; in Ibn Zaddik, 143; in Moses ibn Ezra, 185; in Abraham ibn Ezra, 189; in Ibn Daud, 219 f.; in Maimonides, xliv, 257 ff.; in Aaron ben Elijah, 368 f.; in Crescas, 391 f. Vincent of Beauvais, 1

Virtue, xlix; in Gabirol, 72 f.; in Pseudo-Bahya, 112; in Ibn Zaddik, 148; in Ibn Daud, 232; in Maimonides, 282 ff.

Weil, Isidore, 436

Weil, Simson, 198, 443, note 221

Weinsberg, Leopold, 435

Wenrich, 439, note 5

Werbluner, 445, note 317

Will of God, in Al Basir, 50; in Gabirol, 68 f.; in Bahya, 90; in Ibn Zaddik, 144; in Aaron ben Elijah, 372

William of Auvergne, 71, 306

William of Occam, 200

Wise, Stephen S., 71, 441, note 103

Wolff, M., 444, note 251

Wolfsohn, Julius, 436

Yahuda, 80, 86, 439, note 24; 441, notes 106, 108, 109 and 112

Yahya ben Adi, 247

Yefet Ha-Levi, 363

"Yezirah, Sefer" 17, 94, 173, 179

Yohanan ben Zakkai, 197

Zeller, 439, note 4; 441, note 86

Zeno, 25

Zimmels, 448, note 442

Zunz, Leopold, 184