A Little Pretty Pocket-book/Rules for Behaviour in Children/Chapter II/Among other Children

183069A Little Pretty Pocket-book — Behaviour among other ChildrenJohn Newbery

Behavior among other Children.

1As near as may be converse not with any but those that are good, sober and virtuous. Evil Communications corrupt good Manners.
2 Be not quarrelsome, but rather patiently take, than mischievously occasion any Wrong.
3 Reprove thy Companions as oft as there shall be occasion, for any evil, wicked, unlawful or indecent Action or Expression.
4 Give always Place to him that excelleth thee in Quality, Age or Learning.
5 Be willing to take those Words or Actions as Jesting, which thou hast reason to believe were designed as such; and fret not at thy Companions innocent Mirth.
6 If thy Companion be a little too gross or sarcastical in speaking, yet strive not to take notice of it, or be moved at all therewith.
7 Abuse not thy Companion either by Word or Deed.
8 Deal justly among Boys thy Equals, as solicitously as if thou wert a Man with Men, and about Business of higher Importance.
9 Be not selfish altogether, but kind, free and generous to others.
10 Jog not the Table or Desk on which another writes.
11 At play make not thy Clothes, Hands or Face dirty or nasty, nor sit upon the Ground.
12 Avoid sinful and unlawful Recreations, and all such as prejudice the Welfare of Body or Mind.
13 Scorn not, laugh not at any for their natural Infirmities of Body or Mind; nor because of them, affix to any a vexing Title of Contempt and Reproach, but pity such as are so visited, and be thankful that you are otherwise distinguished and favoured.
14 Adventure not to talk with thy Companion about thy Superiors, to raise Discourse reflecting upon, or touching another's Parents or Masters; nor publish any Thing of thine own Family or Household Affairs. Children must meddle only with the Affairs of Children.