A Little Pretty Pocket-book/The Wolf and the Kid

182178A Little Pretty Pocket-book — The Wolf and the KidJohn Newbery

Fable I.

The Wolf and the Kid.

As the Goat went to brouze,
Thus her Charge did begin
Be advis'd, my dear Kid,
And let nobody in.
The Wolf hearing this
For Admittance did try,
But the Kid answer'd, No
I'll not trust you, not I.

To Master Tommy, or Miss Polly.

You see, my Dear, the little Kid, by taking, her Parent's Advice, preserved her own Life; for had she been so wicked as to have neglected what the Goat (her Mother) said to her, and had opened the Door, the Wolf would certainly have torn her, to Pieces. Take Care therefore to do always as your Papa and Mamma, or your Master and Mistress shall direct you, and you will oblige,

Your old Friend,

Jack the Giant-Killer.