A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Allen, John James

1624604A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Allen, John JamesWilliam Richard O'Byrne

ALLEN. (Captain, 1841. f-p., 15; h-p., 14.)

John James Allen, born 15 May, 1806, is eldest son of John Lee Allen, Esq., of Errol Park, co. Perth; and brother of Capt. H. M. E. Allen, R.N.

This officer entered the Royal Naval College 5 Feb. 1818; and embarked, in April, 1819, on board the Active 46, Capt. Sir Jas. Alex. Gordon. After an intermediate and uninterrupted servitude on the America, West India, and Mediterranean stations, he was promoted (having passed his examination in 1824) to the rank of Lieutenant, by commission dated 5 April, 1827. His subsequent appointments in that capacity were – on 28 of the same month, to the Chanticleer 10, Capt. Wynne Baird – 21 July, 1828, to the Coast Blockade, as Supernumerary-Lieutenant of the Ramillies 74, Capt. Hugh Pigot – 28 April, 1829, and 17 March, 1831, to the Sparrowhawk 18, and Falcon 10, Capts. Thos. Gill and Thos. Metcalfe Currie, both on the Jamaica station – and, 30 Sept. 1831, to the Pallas 42, Capt. Manley Hall Dixon, also in the West Indies. He obtained the rank of Commander 6 Oct. 1832, but remained thenceforward unemployed until appointed, 27 Aug. 1840, to the Lily 16. After officiating for some months as Senior Officer on the east coast of Africa and in the Indian Ocean, Capt. Allen was advanced to Post-rank 23 Nov. 1841. He has not since been afloat.

He married, 28 Aug. 1832, Lady Henrietta Dundas Duncan, eldest daughter of the Earl of Camperdown, granddaughter of the celebrated Admiral Lord Duncan, and sister of Viscount Duncan, M.P. for Bath, by whom he has issue two sons and two daughters. Agent – Joseph Woodhead.