A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Ashby, William George

1628124A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Ashby, William GeorgeWilliam Richard O'Byrne

ASHBY. (Lieut., 1826. f-p., 18; h-p., 18.)

William George Ashby entered the Navy, 28 Sept. 1811, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Magnet 16, Capt. F. Moore Maurice, employed in the North Sea, and during the last two years of the war served on the Mediterranean station as Midshipman of the Bacchante 38, Capt. Sir Wm. Hoste, and Leviathan 74, Capt. Thos. Briggs. Until promoted, 11 Dec. 1826, he was afterwards employed, the last seven years as Mate, in the Glasgow 60, Ganymede 26, Owen Glendower 42, Glasgow again, and Atholl 28, Capts. Hon. Anthony Maitland, Hon. Robt. Cavendish Spencer, Hood Hanway Christian, Bentinck Cavendish Doyle, and Jas. Arthur Murray, on the Mediterranean, Cape of Good Hope, South America, and East India stations. Attaining the rank of Lieutenant, 11 Dec. 1826, he next joined, 16 Aug. 1827, the Undaunted 46, Capt. Augustus Wm. Jas. Clifford, in which frigate, after escorting Lord Wm. Bentinck, as Governor-General, to India, we find him returning to England with Major-Gen. Bourke, late Lieut.-Governor of the Cape. He has been on half-pay since 1830. Agents – Case and Loudonsack.