A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Bailey, John Crawshay

1630277A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Bailey, John CrawshayWilliam Richard O'Byrne

BAILEY. (Lieutenant, 1844.)

John Crawshay Bailey, born 22 May, 1818, is third son of Joseph Bailey, Esq., of Glanusk Park, co. Brecon (Representative of Worcester in the three last parliaments, and Deputy-Lieutenant for the co. of Monmouth, a gentleman of considerable landed property and well known for his extensive iron-works at Nant-y-Glo), by his first wife, Maria, fourth daughter of Joseph Latham, Esq.; a younger brother of Joseph Bailey, Esq., of Easton Park, co. Hereford, M.P. for that shire; and grandnephew of the late Rich. Crawshay, Esq., of Cyfartha Iron-works, Glamorganshire.

This officer entered the Navy in 1834; passed his examination 14 Dec. 1840; and, after an intermediate attachment, as Mate, to the Seringapatam 46, Capt. John Leith, in North America and the West Indies, and Agincourt 72, bearing the fiag in the East Indies of Sir Thos. John Cochrane, was promoted to his present rank, 27 Aug. 1844. He continued to serve in the Agincourt until 1 April, 1845, and since that period has been employed in the Wolverene 16, Capt. Wm. John Cavendish Clifford, also on the East India station.