A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Bainbridge, Henry

1630525A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Bainbridge, HenryWilliam Richard O'Byrne

BAINBRIDGE. (Lieutenant, 1845.)

Henry Bainbridge is second son of the late Geo. Cole Bainbridge, Esq., of Gattonside House, Roxburghshire.

This officer passed his examination 26 Sept. 1836; served for some time as Mate in the Howe 120, and Caledonia 120, flag-ships in the Mediterranean and at Devonport of Sir Fras. Mason and Sir David Milne; and, on 21 Feb. 1845, was promoted into the Rolla 10, Capt. John Simpson, with whom he is now serving on the coast of Africa, as First Lieutenant. He married, 5 March, 1845, Mary Agnes, daughter of Lieut.-Col. Harvey, K.H., Inspecting Field Officer of the Leeds District.