A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Barrie, William

1632194A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Barrie, WilliamWilliam Richard O'Byrne

BARRIE. (Commander, 1846.)

William Barrie is son of Rear-Admiral of the White the gallant Sir Robt. Barrie, K.C.B., K.C.H. (1837), who rendered his name famous as Captain of the Dragon 74, during the last American war, and died in June 1841, aged 67.

This officer obtained his first commission 16 June, 1837; was appointed, 31 Aug. following, to the President 50, flag-ship in the Pacific of Rear-Admiral Chas. Bayne Hodgson Ross; and from 4 Aug. 1842, until promoted to the rank of Commander 9 Nov. 1846, was employed on the same station as First of the Daphne 18, Capt. John Jas. Onslow.

He married, in 1846, Dolores, eldest daughter of Col. Wood, of the Chilian army. Agents — Messrs. Stilwell.