A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Benson, John Robert

1635490A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Benson, John RobertWilliam Richard O'Byrne

BENSON. (Lieut., 1814. f-p., 27; h-p., 12.)

John Robert Benson entered the Navy, 12 Jan. 1808, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Scorpion 18, Capts. Fras. Stanfell, Hon. John Gore, and Robt. Giles. Under the first-named officer he assisted, as Midshipman, at the capture, 11 Jan. 1810, beneath the fire of a battery near Basseterre, after an engagement of two hours, of l’Oreste French national brig, of 16 guns and 110 men; and, in Feb. following, witnessed the reduction of the island of Guadeloupe. In July, 1812, he became a supernumerary (still in the West Indies) of the Dragon 64, bearing the flag of Sir Fras. Laforey, and he continued, in the same capacity, to serve under that officer, successively in the Tribune 36, Grampus 50, Vestal 28, Spider schooner. Dromedary store-ship, and, as one of the complement, in the Queen 74, until promoted to his present rank, 27 June, 1814. His subsequent appointments were – 31 March, 1815, to the Leven 20, Capt. Buckland Stirling Bluett, stationed off