1638771A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Bold, EdwardWilliam Richard O'Byrne

BOLD, K.T.S. (Lieut., 1815. f-p., 11; h-p., 32.)

Edward Bold entered the Navy, 1 Feb. 1804, as Second-cl. Vol., on board the {sc|Princess}} floating battery, Capt. Sam. Colquitt, stationed at Liverpool; attained the rating of Midshipman in May following; and subsequently served, under Capt. Edw. Brace, in the 32-gun frigates Castor and Iris, and for four years and a half, as Master’s Mate, in La Virginie of 46 guns and 281 men, employed off the coast of Spain and on the North Sea and Cork stations. In the latter ship, besides making prize of two Spanish privateers of 14 guns each, he assisted at the capture, 19 May, 1808, of the Guelderland, a Dutch frigate of 36 guns and 253 men, which did not surrender until after a most determined night action of an hour and a half, terminating with a loss to herself of 25 killed and 40 severely wounded, and to the British of only 1 man killed and 2 wounded. In the early part of 1810 Mr. Bold was taken prisoner by the French, who detained him in captivity from that period until 1814. He was promoted to his present rank 6 Feb. 1815, but has not been since officially employed. In Jan. 1845, he was granted the Royal licence to accept and wear the insignia of a K.T.S., conferred on hini by the Queen of Portugal in testimony of Her Majesty’s approbation of his services while recently commanding a frigate in Her Most Faithful Majesty’s navy. Agent – J. Chippendale.