A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Bond, William Francis

1639031A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Bond, William FrancisWilliam Richard O'Byrne

BOND. (Lieutenant, 1814. f-p., 13; h-p., 30.)

William Francis Bond entered the Navy, 1 July, 1804, as Midshipman, on board the Courageux 74, Capt. Chas. Boyles, and, from July, 1805, to Nov. 1803, served with the same officer in the Windsor Castle 98, on the Mediterranean station. While in the latter ship, he took part in Sir Robt. Calder’s action, 22 July, 1805, and, in Feb. 1807, attended Sir John Thos. Duckworth in the passage of the Dardanells. He next joined the Loire 33, Capt. Alex. Wilmot Schomberg, in which frigate he assisted at the capture of the French 20-gun ship Hébé, 5 Jan. 1809; removed, in April, 1811, to the Canopus 80, bearing the flag in the Mediterranean of Rear-Admiral Boyles, his former Captain; became Acting-Lieutenant, 15 Sept. following, of the Nautilus sloop, Capt. Thos. Dench; rejoined Rear-Admiral Boyles in Jan. 1812, in a similar capacity, on board the Trident 64; was transferred, as Master’s Mate, towards the close of the same year, to the Unite 36, Capt. Edwin Hen. Chamberlayne; and, on 8 Nov. 1814, was made Lieutenant into the Alcmene 38, Capt. Jeremiah Coghlan, under whom, in 1815, he seems to have been very actively employed in the Bay of Naples during the hostilities with Murat. He was paid off from the Alcmene in Oct. of the latter year; and was next, on 8 March, 1826, appointed, with Capt. Coghlan, to the Forte 44. He has not held any official occupation since 1828. Agent – J. Hinxman.