A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Brand, Charles

1640203A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Brand, CharlesWilliam Richard O'Byrne

BRAND. (Lieutenant, 1822. f-p., 14; h-p., 23.)

Charles Brand is brother of Lieut. W. H. Brand, R.N.

This officer entered the Navy, 29 July, 1810, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Apelles 14, Capts. Thos. Oliver and Fred. Hoffman, stationed in the Channel, where he was run on shore near Boulogne 3 May, 1812, but, with several others, escaped capture by a timely flight in the boats. He then proceeded to Bermuda, as Midshipman, in the Ardent troop-ship, Capt. Geo. Bell, and during a subsequent attachment of more than two years to the Majestic, a cut-down 74, Capt. John Hayes, assisted at the capture, after a running fight of two hours and a half, of the French frigate Terpsichore of 44 guns, besides making a large number of American prizes, participating in the capture of Washington by Rear-Admiral Geo. Cockburn, and witnessing the surrender of the President to the Endymion. He next served, from June, 1815, to Oct. 1818, with Capt. Sir Archibald Collingwood Dickson, on board the Caledonia 120, and Rochfort 80, and with Capt. Thos. Briggs, as Admiralty-Midshipman, on board the Queen Charlotte 100, the first at Plymouth, the two last at Portsmouth. He was afterwards, under Capt. Wm. M‘Culloch, of the Severn, employed, until July, 1820, on the Coast Blockade, in which his services were so conspicuous as to be rewarded by the Treasury with the sum of 100l.; and from the latter date until the death of Buonaparte he was stationed off St. Helena in the Shearwater 10, Capt. John Walter Roberts. He then sailed for the Cape of Good Hope in the Heron 18, Capt. Job Hanmer; and, for his exertions in travelling through part of Namaqua Land, an unknown district of South Africa, was, on 28 Dec. 1822, confirmed a Lieutenant in the Cygnet 10, Capt. Thos. Bennett; on the paying off of which, 22 April, 1823, he was presented by the ship’s company with an elegant sword, “in testimony of their regard and esteem of his gentlemanly and officer-like conduct” while on board. He again received an appointment in the Coast Blockade in April, 1824; but has been on half-pay since Aug. 1825.

Lieut. Brand has published an account of his African travels, as also of a voyage made in a civil capacity to Peru in 1827, during the winter of which year he traversed the Andes on foot. He married, 20 Dec. 1834, Caroline Julia, daughter of the late Joseph Sanders, Esq., of Great Portland Street, Portland Place, by whom he has issue two sons and a daughter.