A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Brereton, Godfrey

1640708A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Brereton, GodfreyWilliam Richard O'Byrne

BRERETON. (Lieut., 1815. f-p., 22; h-p., 20.)

Godfrey Brereton entered the Navy, 24 Jan. 1805, as Third-cl. Boy, on board the Puissant 74, Capt, John Irwin, lying at Spithead, where he was immediately transferred to the Royal William 100, flag-ship of Sir Geo. Montagu. He next served, from April, 1807, to Jan. 1811, latterly as Midshipman, in the Alcmene and Belle Poule frigates, both commanded by Capt. Jas. Brisbane, under whom we find him present – besides contributing to the capture of many small armed vessels – at the taking, 15 Feb. 1809, of Le Var of 26 guns, laden with corn for the relief of the French garrison at Corfu; and at the reduction of the islands of Zante, Cephalonia, and Sta. Maura. He then, in succession, joined – the Montagu and Warrior 74’s, Capts. Rich. Hussey Moubray and John Wm. Spranger, in the latter of which ships he returned home – the Antelope 50, bearing the flag off Newfoundland of Sir John Thos. Duckworth – the Defiance 74, flag-ship in the Baltic of Sir Geo. Hope – the Princess Caroline 74, Capt. Hugh Downman, on the same and North Sea stations – and the Dover 18, Capt. Augustus Vere Drury, with whom he proceeded to North America in May, 1814. From that date until June, 1815, Mr. Brereton, who was confirmed in the rank of Lieutenant on 16 Jan. in the latter year, was actively employed, under Commodore Sir Jas. Lucas Yeo, in the Niagara 20, and in gun-boat service on the Lakes of Canada. His succeeding appointments were – from July, 1816, until he invalided in Oct. 1819, to the Queen Charlotte and Boyne, flag-ships of Sir Edw. Thornbrough at Portsmouth, and to the Tees 26, Capt. Geo. Rennie, and Eurydice 26, Capt. Robt. Wauchope, off St. Helena – next, between June, 1822, and the close of 1823, to the Pandora 18, Sappho 18, and Tribune 42, Capts. Fred. Hunn, Jenkin Jones, and Gardiner Henry Guion, on the Irish and Mediterranean stations – and, 30 April, 1827, to the Britannia 120, flag-ship at first of Admiral Lord Northesk at Plymouth, and afterwards commanded by Capt. Geo. Burdett in the Mediterranean, where he was superseded in April, 1830. Since 11 May, 1843, Mr. Brereton has been employed as Admiralty-Agent in a contract mail steam-vessel on the West India station Agents – Holmes and Folkard.