A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Briggs, David

1640830A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Briggs, DavidWilliam Richard O'Byrne

BRIGGS. (Lieut., 1814. f-p., 10; h-p., 31.)

David Briggs entered the Navy, 21 March, 1806, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Renown 74, Capt. Philip Chas. Durham; attained the rating of Midshipman in Oct. following; and, after serving for upwards of four years off L’Orient, and in blockading the Rochefort and Toulon squadrons, was paid off 28 March, 1810. He joined, in Aug. of the same year, the Armada 74, Capt. Adam M‘Kenzie, employed off Cadiz and in the North Sea; removed, as Master’s Mate, in Nov. 1811, to the Hannibal 74, flag-ship off the Texel of his former Captain, Rear-Admiral Durham; was discharged, in Feb. 1812, into the Christian VII. 74, Capts. Thos. Browne and Hen. Lidgbird Ball; passed his examination in March following; rejoined the Rear-Admiral, soon afterwards, in the Bulwark 74; and, while subsequently proceeding with him to the West Indies, in the Venerable 74, assisted at the capture, off Madeira, by that ship and the Cyrene sloop, of the French 44-gun frigates Iphigénie and Alcmène, 16 and 20 Jan. 1814. On 28 of the ensuing month Mr. Briggs became Acting-Lieutenant of the Fox sloop, Capt. Frank Gore Willock; and, on arriving in England, he was officially promoted by commission dated 8 July in the same year. After attending, in 1814-15, as First of the Fox, the expedition to New Orleans, whence he conveyed back to Jamaica part of the 2nd West India Regiment, he returned to the Vehekable 10 Aug. in the latter year, and came home and was paid off 3 May, 1816. He has not since been employed.

Lieut. Briggs married in Nov. 1841, and has issue one daughter.