A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Broadwater, William

1641104A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Broadwater, WilliamWilliam Richard O'Byrne

BROADWATER. (Lieutenant, 1806. f-p., 11; h-p., 38.)

William Broadwater entered the Navy, 8 April, 1798, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Prince Frederick, Capt. John Hall, on the North Sea station; attained the rating of Midshipman in June following; and removed, in May, 1800, to the Doris 38, Capts. Lord Ranelagh, John Halliday, Chas. Brisbane, and Wm. Cumberland, attached to the fleet in the Channel, where, in Oct. 1802, he joined the Autumn 18, Capts. Wm. Richardson and Sam. Jackson. With the latter officer, after participating, as Master’s Mate, in many gallant skirmishes with the French flotilla off Calais and Boulogne, he was transferred to the Mosquito of 18 guns, in the North Sea, 17 Oct. 1814; and, in the early part of 1805, he became Sub-Lieutenant of the Monkey gun-brig, Lieut.-Commanders Wm. Tatham and R. Simmonds, lying in the Downs. On 24 Oct. 1806, Mr. Broadwater was made full Lieutenant into the Solebay 32, Capts. Robt. Howe Bromley and Andw. Sproule, employed on the North Sea, Baltic, and Lisbon stations. He was sent home, in Nov. following, in charge of a detained vessel, and then proceeded to the Brazils for the purpose of rejoining his ship. Finding, however, on his arrival, that the latter had sailed, he returned to England in charge of another, a Danish vessel, and was placed on half-pay in Oct. 1808. He was subsequently, from 27 Feb. to 15 Oct. 1809, employed in the Princess floating-battery, Capts. Sam. Martin Colquitt and Edw. Killwick; but has not since been able to procure official occupation.