A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Brooman, James

1641220A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Brooman, JamesWilliam Richard O'Byrne

BROOMAN. (Lieut., 1827. f-p., 30; h-p., 7.)

James Brooman entered the Navy, 26 July, 1810, as Midshipman, on board the Hamadryad 36, Capt. Sir Thos. Staines, in which stdp, and the Briton 38, he continued to be employed, under the same officer, until Aug. 1815. During that period he served with great activity on the Newfoundland, St. Helena, and Irish stations, in the Bay of Biscay, and in South America; was in various skirmishes with the soldiery on the coast of France; and assisted in taking, besides several merchant-vessels, a French privateer. He next joined the Rifleman 18, Capt. Geo. Bennett Allen, in the West Indies; thence returned home with the latter officer in the Royalist 18; passed his examination in Dec. 1816; served for nearly two years in the Northumberland 74, Capt. Jas. Walker, at Sheerness; was employed on the Coast Blockade from Aug. 1818 until 1823, as Midshipman of the Severn, Capt. Wm. M‘Culloch; afterwards became attached to the Superb 74, Capt. Sir Thos. Staines, on the West India and Lisbon stations, and Melville 74, Capt. Henry Hill, guardship at Portsmouth; and, on 28 April, 1827, was promoted into the Pelican 18, Capt. Hon. Chas. Leonard Irby, in the Mediterranean, where he contributed to the capture of three or four piratical vessels. From 3 Dec. 1827, to Oct. 1830, Lieut. Brooman was again employed on the Coast Blockade, under Capt. Hugh Pigot of the Ramillies and Talavera 74’s. He obtained a Coast Guard appointment 15 Oct. 1831, and continued in that service – including a period of two years and eight months, from 18 March, 1834, to 28 Nov. 1836, when he held command of the Tartar Revenue-cruizer – until 1839. While so engaged Mr. Brooman captured, in the years 1832-3-4, 2 sloops, 4 boats, and 17 men, exclusive of the seizure or destruction of about 1000 tubs. Since 4 Feb. 1845, he has been again employed in the Coast Guard.

He married, 24 Dec. 1827, Anna Jane, daughter of John Jones, Esq., late of Offord d’Arcy, co. Huntingdon.