A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Brouncker, John Payne

1641455A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Brouncker, John PayneWilliam Richard O'Byrne

BROUNCKER. (Lieut., 1829. f-p.,32; h-p., 6.)

John Payne Brouncker entered the Navy, 21 Sept. 1809, as Midshipman, on board the Désirée 36, Capt. Arth. Farquhar, to which frigate he continued attached, principally on the North Sea station, until April, 1814. During that period he served in the boats under Lieut. Sam. Radford at the cutting out of two French vessels, carrying together 16 guns and 59 men, and destruction of a third, a lugger of 6 guns and 26 men, lying in the Vlie, 29 May, 1810, and was lent, in 1813, to No. 7 gun-boat, one of a light squadron employed under Capt. Farquhar in blockading the North Elbe, where he took part in the reduction of Cuxhaven, in the attack also on the Danish flotilla at Busum, on which occasion two of the enemy’s gun-vessels were sunk, and, as a Volunteer, in the erection of batteries at the siege of Gluckstadt, where he was so severely frost-bitten as nearly to lose a leg. Mr. Brouncker, who passed his examination in 1818, subsequently served for 11 years, as Mate, on the Mediterranean and East India stations. He was seriously injured in the face in the early part of 1829, while in charge of a tender to the Prince Regent 120, flag-ship at the Nore of Sir Hen. Blackwood; and, on the recommendation of that officer, he was advanced to the rank of Lieutenant 26 Feb. in the same year. He has been in the Coast Guard since 7 Oct. 1833.

Lieut. Brouncker is married, and has issue.