A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Burton, Augustus John

1643404A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Burton, Augustus JohnWilliam Richard O'Byrne

BURTON. (Lieut., 1841. f-p., 16; h-p., 0.)

Augustus John Burton, born 25 Dec. 1818, is son of Capt. Thos. Burton, R.N. (1810), who died early in 1843, by Catharine Jones Crutchley, grand-daughter of the late Evan Jones, Esq.; and nephew of Commander G. G. Burton, R.N.

This officer entered the Navy, 2 Aug. 1831, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Magicienne 24, Capt. Jas. Hanway Plumridge, with whom he sailed for the East Indies, and there attained the rating of Midshipman, 24 March, 1834. In April, 1835, he joined the Barham 50, Capt. Armar Lowry Corry, in the Mediterranean. He passed his examination 29 Jan. 1838; and on the night of 12 April following, a few weeks after he had been lent, as Mate, to the Rapid 10, Lieut.-Commander Hon. Graham Hay St. Vincent De Ros Kinnaird, was wrecked on a reef of rocks off Cape Bon, near Tunis. He then returned to the Barham; removed, in March, 1839, to the Winchester 50, fitting for the flag of Sir Thos. Harvey, Commander-in-Chief in North America and the West Indies; and, on 13 Nov. 1841, was promoted to be Lieutenant and Acting-Commander of the Romney 30, depot at the Havana for liberated African slaves. His appointments have since been – 18 June, 1842, to the Pilot 16, Capt. Wallace Houstoun, in which vessel he returned home and was paid off 9 May, 1843 – 21 June, 1843, to the Excellent gunnery-ship at Portsmouth, Capt. Sir Thos. Hastings – and, 20 Jan. 1845, to the Vindictive 50, bearing the flag at present of Sir Fras. Wm. Austen on the North America and West India station.

Lieut. Burton married, 4 Feb. 1845, Helen Maria, eldest daughter of Orlando Orlebar, Esq., Lieut. R.N., grand-daughter of the late Admiral Aplin, and niece of the present Capt. J. G. Aplin, R.N. Agent – J. Woodhead.