A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Cannon, Edward St. Leger

1651172A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Cannon, Edward St. LegerWilliam Richard O'Byrne

CANNON. (Capt., 1846. h-p., 21; h-p., lO.)

Edward St. Leger Cannon entered the Navy, 10 Nov. 1816, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Northumberland 78, Capt. Jas. Walker,_ and from Dec. 1817, until Jan. 1823, served, chiefly on the Home station, as Midshipman of the Falmouth 20, Capt. Geo. Fred. Rich, Leven 24, Capts. David Ewen Bartholomew and Robt. Baldey, Active 46, Capt. Sir Jas. Alex. Gordon, Wye 26, Capt. Peter Fisher, Bulwark 74, flag-ship of Sir Benj. Hallowell, and Ranger sloop, Capt. P. Fisher. He then became Master’s-Mate of the Gloucester 74, bearing the broad pendant of Commodore Sir Edw. W. C. R. Owen in the West Indies, where he was promoted, 1 July, 1823, to the rank of Lieutenant. His subsequent appointments in that capacity were (after a further servitude of 18 months in the Gloucester) – 28 Nov. 1826, to the Wolf 18, Capt. Geo. Hayes, in the Mediterranean – 8 Dec. 1828, to the Southampton 52, Capts. G. F. Rich and P. Fisher, flag-ship in the East Indies – and, 11 Sept. 1833, as First, to the Vestal 26, Capt. Wm. Jones, employed .on the North America and West India station, whence he returned home, and was paid off towards the close of 1837. He obtained his second promotal commission 28 June, 1838; and, from 22 Sept. 1843, until some time in 1846, had command of the Orestes 18, in the Mediterranean. He acquired his present rank on 9 Nov. in the latter year.

Capt. Cannon married, 30 Oct. 1839, Jane Frances, daughter of the late Dr. Boys, Physician, R.N. Agents – Hallett and Robinson.