A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Card, William John Royle

1651228A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Card, William John RoyleWilliam Richard O'Byrne

CARD. (One of the Junior Lieutenants.)

William John Royle Card entered the Navy 19 Dec. 1833; passed his examination 5 Feb. 1840; served for some time, in 1842-3, as Mate, on board the Grecian 16, Capt. Wm. Smyth, at the Cape of Good Hope; obtained his commission 20 Oct. 1843; and joined, 20 Dec. following, the Hyacinth 18, Capt. Fras. Scott, employed successively on the African, and North America and West India stations. He was dismissed from the latter vessel and placed at the bottom of the List of Lieutenants, by sentence of court-martial, early in 1845; but since 30 of the following Aug. has been employed in the Kingfisher 12, Capts. Chas. Foreman Brown and Fred. Wilmot Horton, on the coast of Africa.