A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Chesshyre, Henry Thomas Newton

1654384A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Chesshyre, Henry Thomas NewtonWilliam Richard O'Byrne

CHESSHYRE. (Lieutenant, 1846.)

Henry Thomas Newton Chesshyre passed his examination 14 April, 1840; served, until paid off at the close of 1841, in the Tyne 26, Capt. John Townshend, on the Mediterranean station; was next employed, for a few months in 1842-3, on board the Pique 36, Capt. Hon. Montagu Stopford, and Avon steam-vessel, Lieut.-Commander David Robt. Bunbury Mapleton, in North America and the West Indies; rejoined the last-mentioned officer, 3 May, 1844, in the Sydenham steamer, on the Mediterranean station; and obtained his commission 6 April, 1846. He has been since serving as Additional Lieutenant of the Hibernia 104, flagship in the Mediterranean of Sir Wm. Parker, and as Commander of the Ceylon receiving-ship at Malta.